Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A couple personal things first....

It may be cool enough tonight to get the fire place cranked up this evening with the family and a good movie. I am already hearing from some of our students about cancelling LOL (hs/ms bible study) at the Pumpkin Patch tonight because of the rain. Sorry gang! Its such a great time together!
Have to drop some meals off to a 3 wonderful close families this evening and looking forward to some smiles, hugs and encouragement from them - hey it works both ways when people come together like this.
Kyle got sent home a note yesterday from school. He was one of a few selected out of the entire 6th grade class at his school to attend a year long leadership program. They will be meeting once a month for the rest of the year and will be learning about leadership skills and qualities of leadership. Dude, that is so awesome! Carol and I are just so excited about that. He wears his cross on his neck everyday and its not just a necklace to him, its not just a piece of jewelry - it is who he is. A light for Jesus going into his dark place in this world and shining. Proud of him ....
I just finished up a great read - "Guys are waffles and girls are spaghetti" by Chad Eastham. I am onto the dvd now and I have learned so much from this guy. I look forward to downloading what I am learning to some youth, students and anyone else for that matter soon! Can't keep this in my waffle compartment all by itself!
I am now onto reading "Emergency Response for Youth Ministry" and right out of the gate it is talking about a student who just lost a parent. I can relate... I have been there... I know what that is like... I know how you feel man.... I still struggle with it ..... I can help... I can walk with you....
I guess the older I am getting the more compassion I have for people. I can remember in the book of John and recall his tone in his writing. It is to a much younger generation. He was the last of the Disciples and was very old when he passed. So he wrote and probably spoke like he was teaching a much younger generation and one that he had such love and compassion for. He was gentle.... don't you want to be gentle, kind, and loving when you get old? I do ...... people are beaten down today. They have so many struggles and hardships in this life. Our teens are no different even though as a teen once as well - I had those same struggles. I think kids are experiencing things earlier today than we did but also a more disconnected from family kind of way. With the age of texting, cell phones, email, blogs, facebook - there is a ton of communication taking place but our kids are becoming relationship poor. Its all online.....they miss out on body language. They miss out on the tone of a voice when communicating. They miss out on visual communication like where your eyes are when speaking to someone or when someone is speaking to you. They miss out on where your hands are when talking - are they in your pockets, folded, or touching the person you are talking to? These things are so important, especially later in life for them as they mature and work in companies that may have them doing presentations, business deals and interacting with people.
I am reminded today - especially as I think of a few of my close kids - "You are already shaping the type of person that you are becoming. It is simply an accumulation of your habits and decisions over time and they have already started."
Hey its ok to be you. Its ok to let others pass you by like rabbits in a race. They get tired, lost, confused and bored in life. Its too fast.... just do your pace loved ones. Experience the scenery as you go and learn from your mistakes.... better yet - learn from others... its always less painful.
One final thought today ... as I am thinking about those families tonight who will receive a warm meal and one of my sick kids home from school today..... You are not alone.... I hope you really know that. Even in the darkest of places Gods light can penetrate that darkness to bring light, hope and grace.
Romans 15:7 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
With love and all the encouragement I have,

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