3 years ago today - A statement of faith. A day that I had been praying about for months. It was the first baptism we would be a part of at our new church home. Rockyriver community church. Not knowing what to expect - I was asking God to open the invitation up to all. John the Baptist called out to anyone and everyone to accept the cleansing of one greater than he. That washing of sins is through Jesus Christ.
This time of my life my mom was not feeling good. It seemed as though life was just one lesson after another as God was preparing me for what was ahead. My health was not all that good as I was battling issues with Vertigo and doctors running scans - finding a spot on my brain and the knowing of "Not Knowing" was so real. A few years earlier having my close call was still very real to me and not a place I wanted to go to again. I started serving at church for the first time in my life. Accepting the invitation by a friend, Dan Wiktorek, to serve along side of him on Sunday mornings and knowing this is what God was asking of me. No more -excuses - no more dodging the call - no more ignoring that fact that God was doing something in my life even if I did not know what or where it was leading. Faith is trusting God in not what we see but by Him. The night before - Carol, Kyle - Carols cousing Karen and I were at the Kenny Chesney concert and it was a great time. Our first time seeing him.... it was a special evening. Getting in late, tired and ears still ringing it would have been easy to make excuses - to sleep in - to not go to church. That morning on our way out - Karen asked to go back in the house to get the camera? Why??? We are going to church - I remember thinking nothing ever happens in church worthy of picture taking. BOY was I wrong... I don't think that anymore. Life change happens to someone every Sunday. God rains down on someone every Sunday the gift of salvation - the forgiveness of sins and pasts being erased and futures being brighter than ever! This was the first day of a new beginning and a new path for me and my family. It is what matters most to me today and drives me to let people know what God has done for me. How can I be quiet about something that big? I just can't ... God has opened my eyes in leading my family the way He wants me to, to love my wife like I never knew I could, to put others before myself, to be the best example for Kyle in being a dad, a husband and leader of the family, how I treat people, respect people, finding my gift of encouragement and "MyKids!" What can I say about how "MyKids" have changed my life. I got a card in the mail from a dear child that I visited all year last year at school. What is written in that card will forever be dear to me. Investing in others, sharing life together and a vision of a church that Jesus is all about and still is all about! Our Presidential candidates promote change - but Jesus is the change this country needs. If He can do some thing like this for me - why can't He do this for you? There is no reason why He can't - you are that reason.
3 years ago today~ Life Change and in a Kenny Chesney t-shirt!!!! I wish my mom was here to be a part of all this but then again - she was a big part of it right in the beginning and all part of Gods perfect plan.
Thankful and humble today. My quiet time this morning-
Luke 8"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
9His disciples asked him what this parable meant. 10He said, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, " 'though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.'[a]
11"This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. 12Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. 13Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. 14The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. 15But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.
Love you all,
WOW!! Three years today. I couldn't remember when it was but it was awesome I remember you calling me & Uncle Buster telling us and the change was right there on the telephone. That was definitely when things starting changing preparing you for the big changes in your life when you would need HIM to be there for you. That was definitely in the Big Plan, the Big Picture that God sees that we don't. Unbelievable that HE is still seeing what is ahead and we can't. Just believe that HE will be there no matter what, that is all we can do to prepare for whatever comes our way. HE is still taking care of you Randy, the Bible says HE will be there when you have no one else, isn't that wonderful to know?
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
II corinthians 5:17
Is there any doubt the change in you that day???? No way, you got a good dose of it Haaaaaa Praise God.
I, too, wish you momma was here to enjoy this time with you, and with me too, wouldn't we have a wonderful time doing God's work and making the Devil mad!! What a time we would have! I just looked back on my 2005 calendar and even though I didn't have the date down in July 2005 when you got saved, I did have written down the day your momma got saved, July 16, 2005 less than a week after you did. I so remember her calling me and telling me she went to your house and you took her to see Pastor Jimmy. I so remember finding after she died almost seven months later the keenex in the baggie at her house in the drawer, complete with tears & makeup on them, with the words written on the bag "God & Jimmy July 16, 2005". Then four days after she got saved she fell and broke her hip, only we didn't know until four months later that it really was cancer in the bone, I remember her telling me in the ER that day she fell that the Devil was trying to keep her out of church. God was so in control and yes, she was so involved at this time. It was like a puzzle being put together but we couldn't see it at all until the last piece was put in. Actually, the last piece is not in yet, but one day we'll look back and see the finished picture.
I've rambled enough, forgive me, but I can't praise God enough for what He did in my life, and in yours and in Sis'
Aunt Sharon
Lonnie, I'm so proud of you...I always have been. You are such a true example of a Christian husband, father and friend to all. I'm glad to be right there with you every step of the way. I look forward to experiencing all of God's plans for our family. The past year has been a tough road, but by God's Grace, we have once again found the meaning in all that has happened. In that, we are truely blessed.
I Love You ~~~
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