Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Being Truthful....

I have to say - that I did it again. But before I share that story, I wanted to share that I am just overwhelmed with everything. Here at work - year end money has been spent and product is flying in. Stuff to do at every corner and I am usually on it because I love it when its busy but I am just not there right now. I am more focused, honestly, on Friday and 2 days next week for some DOWN TIME! I am more focused on getting some of Walts stuff put away that is in my garage and getting things cleaned up. Ask Carol - I am not one for clutter or having things not arranged somehow! But I know I will settle into a groove - start chipping away at getting things done and mark my to do list off.

Last night my dad called me and my brother Danny is in the hospital. This morning my dad called me and I am waiting to hear back about his surgery - he is having his gallbladder removed. Doctor told him that it was the worst he had ever seen ... so being in the local hospital - I am praying they don't remove his kidney - but honestly, praying all goes well and he recovers quickly. I do feel more so today that I just need to continue to pray that the Lord moves my family and I unto greener pastures and a time of rest from all the stuff that has been taking place - for what seems like a LONG TIME. I know that things will take a new direction when its time and these tough walks in life are for a purpose - preparing us for what is ahead. So I am focusing on others and what is it that God wants me to learn through these trials? Build my faith up a few notches and to trust Him even more.........

I wanted to share the "I did it again" - I have opened 2 books and seem to be going with both of them now. I always fall into that because I make the mistake of getting a new book in the mail that I ask Carol to get me and then I open it and off I go.

Book 1 that I am reading - is The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity. So far it has been good and still looking for that one or two things that really hits home. I started reading this before I left for NY last week hoping to get a little more in depth in what folks are thinking and what they believe - about Christ- because I knew I would be talking with Katie. I know how important salvation is and with losing her mom - it could either push her FAR away from God or pull her in and I want to do my part to the best of my abilities to give her the TRUTH!

I am reminded from 1 Peter 15-16

15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

Life these days seems to be more focused on being a good example for Jesus and sharing His love to others for me. It really does hit deep and how I just want folks in my family and in my life to know what God has done for me and how He has changed me.

The other book, which I just got, is from a brilliant leader in the church today- Nelson Searcy and I really look forward to getting in the middle of this book this coming week with some down time. 100% participation in a church in small groups is just unheard of and I really want to learn more. I am totally in on Small Groups - we call them Rock Groups at our church and I have blogged about it many times. Connecting people to follow Jesus in a family style and doing life together - there real relationships form, trust and accountability in life, a foundation of knowing that people close to us love and pray for us.... It is life changing if you have never experienced a small group before..... that same passion has led to our group extending outward this summer to reach some other families - to have some fun this summer with ballgames, pool parties, fishing at the park, movie nights - investing in each other so that folks get a feel for what it is all about. Being connected in this "Life" group is what really makes Sundays learning Gods word happen all week - because we are all focused on the same things.
Following and learning about Jesus.
So I will let you know how the books are...... and hopefully in the next few days I can get my bearing straight and pointed in the right direction. Have to get this ship sailing again with some new fresh breezes......... with some Kenny Chesney playing in the background on the coast of somewhere beautiful.
Love you all,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lonnie - Thanks for the shout out to Activate! I hope you are finding the book helpful. We just posted a ton of free stuff related to the book at: www.ActivateBook.com

God bless you and thanks for the post!

Nelson Searcy
Co-Author: Activate - An Entirely New Approach to Small Groups
Lead Pastor, The Journey, NYC

P.S. I'm now blogging at www.ChurchLeaderInsights.com/blog