Monday, May 19, 2008

Weather or whether?

Its all about the weather holding out if whether we have our fishing outing or not. Another chance missed last night with weather rolling into the area on our Rock Group fishing night. Kyle and I went to Walmart yesterday and you know how much I like that place and especially on a Sunday afternoon and race week! We got worms and an extra fishing pole for someone to use if they didn't have one...came home and packed the E up with the cooler, poles, worms and chairs. I then watched the radar put a damper on our plans. Its OK even though I was bummed out - especially after talking with Miss Beth and Miss Karlee last night and told them we had to cancel fishing. Beth asked me when we were rescheduling and that pulled me up a few notches.

Isn't it so true that we are all faced with 3 things when we bring something to God? I mean if we have something that we are praying about, God has basically 3 answers. No - being that no matter how much you pray for something, God has an answer of NO. Pretty clear in that answer and like any good parents has said to their children - "No means No"
Yes - God is still in the Yes business. He still does miracles and heals people from sickness. He still blesses us by answering our prayers even if we are praying for something specific and He does something just a little bit different and it turns out even better than we expected. God still says yes to many things we pray and bring to Him.
Gods other answer is "Wait". That is probably the hardest answer because we are a people who need answers when we want them right? Who wants to wait ....thats why they make credit cards! We want what we want when we want it! Doing things that way usually gets us into trouble later on. Sometimes we have prayers that last years ... and we are still waiting! I have specifically been praying for people to come to church for years and they still have not come but I know that they are not in a place right now that they would come to church. That day might come and until then, I will keep praying for them and inviting them. We have some friends who wanted to join our Rock Group a year or so ago and the timing was just not right. God told them to "Wait" and now they are stepping forward because God has put them in the right place and in the right season.

This Friday, Carol, Kyle and I are picking up our new boat. Its been a dream of ours for years but things have never worked out for us to get a boat. We have a small cabin near a lake in the NC mountains and using that lake is hard with just a canoe - even though it has been fun! But the season has come and God has moved those prayers from "Wait" to "Yes". We are excited about this family time - the memories that it will provide us and provide Kyle as he grows up and looks back on his childhood. We are excited about our friends spending time with us there and pulling the kids on the back in the tube around the lake - fishing and laughing together -their memories being made is exciting also for us as we do this life together.

My thoughts today are if you are in a place right now that is difficult, maybe you are facing a big decision or a struggle in life - keep up the prayers - continue to ask God to move you to a new place of understanding and from a "Wait" to a "Yes". I do believe we will get this Rock Group fishing thing in ... these families will come together and we will share many great laughs and smiles - our friendships will grow closer and our kids will really get to know each other ... I know God will move us from "Wait" to "Yes" when the time comes...... and the excitement will build and we can plan our next outings together for the summer.
Keep the faith and know the weather will still happen but its up to God on whether its the right season for you to move forward and when its time ..... its going to be AWESOME!

Have a blessed Monday today~

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