Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Looking through which eyes?

Trusting God meanes looking beyond what we see & seeing what God sees.

Tomorrow Carol and I are headed to Anderson SC to attend the Unleash Conference at NewSpring church. Their web site is: - they have their messages online and have a rocking band to go with it. With 6000 people a weekend coming through their doors it is an amazing thing to see what God is doing through that church. (Anderson is not that big!) Carol, Kyle and I attended a Sunday service last fall and were blown away by everything - not just size - but everything.
So tomorrow, Carol and I will be attending with our Pastors and other church ministry leaders and I know it will get our creative juices pumped up and flowing. I will post some notes Friday on this sold out conference. Pastors and Ministry leaders from across the country! Over 350 Volunteers ready to serve ... it's going to be amazing.

Today I got to step forward and get back to having lunch with "my kids". I was a little slow coming out of the gate, still not feeling up to par but pressing foward nonetheless. It was good seeing the smiles and even got to have a little "pep" talk with one about being mad at a friend. Sometimes even as adults we let the little things get inbetween friendships and then things slip away all over something silly. Friendships should be in place to raise each other up, to hold each other accountable and to walk with no matter what we are going through. If that friendship isn't going to a place you want to go then you need to move it aside ... invest in your true friends and be honest with yourself. Sometimes we have to take a stand for something even if you are the only one still standing. God wants us to stand for integrity and honesty and above all else to honor Him. You do those things and God will bless those relationships.

Last night Kyle and I visited the place where Walt stayed at the nursing home. So many new faces and so many missing faces from even a month ago. We got to see a few folks who my family and I have grown fond of and it was great seeing them, talking with them and kneeling next to them. I look up to these folks because of their wisdom and things they have been through. Mary is one of these ladies. She is 93 and cannot walk anymore and she can only see out of one eye. She lost her husband over 50 years ago to a heart attack at age 44. She has been alone since and I asked her - "Mary, did you never date anyone afterwards or did you even want to?" She said honey, "I just could never find anyone else as good as my husband." That pretty much left me speechless. She smiles and pauses before she speaks - you can tell when she has something important to say and I just can't wait for what she has to share. She just loves her little man - Kyle. They shared some chocolate together last night, Mary has a sectret stash of goodies :)

It has been a good couple of days trying to see not with my eyes but through the eyes of the Lord. He does have a different vision on things and on people than we do. He sees us all the same and He loves us all the same. The book of Acts does a great job in describing that the word of God is for everyone. That still rings true today ... it is for everyone.

Whos eyes are you looking through? Yours or our Heavenly Fathers?

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