Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday ...

It has been awhile since I was out with the boys for lunch. We used to that almost every Friday - few reasons why I stopped was because it was expensive, my belt kept going out and I have "MyKids" that I am investing in at lunch time. Almost every day of the work week I could be somewhere in the area having lunch with one of "MyKids". I love that part the most about my day! I am looking forward to them back in school next week ... just don't let them know I said that ok? :)

Carol, Kyle and I will be attending a party tonight - its going to be fun. We should have our taxes complete and know if we are getting a refund this evening sometime. Its been slow getting to that this year with everything on hold with Walt and all but glad to be moving past it. We have had a lot of break ins in our neighborhood the past 6 months or so - just recently someone came into our garage during the early morning time frame and took Kyle's little motorcycle, some frozen pizza's, a flashlight and dropped a neighbors clothes in our trash. I am walking around locking everything these days and even heading to the cabin makes me a little nervous. I have never owned an alarm system before so I am looking into that. Shame that when the economy is not doing great, folks go to the extreme and steal from each other. Lowest life forms IMOP when someone steals things from others - especially children!
I am looking forward to church Sunday - praying for those families who came last week to our Easter services - hope they come back and we can deliver our BEST for our awesome God again this Sunday!!!
4:00 on a Friday and I am counting down the time to get out of work.... 2 days was enough this week. Looking forward to seeing our Rock Group families this Sunday and hearing about Kyles day at Nascar Speedpark when I get home. Thanks Julie for making Kyle a part of your day!

Being Bold for Jesus - I will be sharing some thoughts on that subject the next few days. I am really pumped about it as I learn some things about myself and the love that Jesus has for us through His word and His teachings.

Carol & Kyle - I love you and proud of both of you~ Continued prayers for God blessings and protection...
Lonnie/Daddy :)

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