Monday, March 31, 2008

A nice surprise.....

I woke up this morning and it was raining. It has been all day for the most part and that is a blessing! I am in the process of expanding my raised beds in my back yard - one more being added and I have tore out (with Kyles help) the landscape timbers and have replaced them with that new wood you can make decks from - no rot or staining or anything ever! Well I am going to test that theory! I have added another bed just so I can share my crop with the folks around me. There is nothing like sharing a good ol'ripe Mater - or having some of "myKids" over and showing them what is growing and when to pick this and when to EAT that!

I had a meeting today here at work and during the discussion all I kept thinking about was something I learned from a church conference a few weeks back - "Nothing good comes from a business meeting!" - man I just agree as I sit and listen to folks talk their agenda and ideas to further what THEY want to do and not what is best for the organization.
For lunch today I met some of our leadership folks and our Pastors from church and talked about the recent Unleash conference. I left pumped and excited and felt nothing like the meeting from this morning. I mean we talked about ideas and spoke about vision and volunteers and making things better, more creative and exciting and ways to plug people in so they too can be part of what God is doing! That is exciting and that is why we do what we do.

Tomorrow I am back in the schools investing in some of "MyKids" - I did not see many of them last week due to spring break and I look forward to seeing them as the week goes on. I am studying a few nights this week for our new Rock Group series - based from James McDonald - "Being Bold for Jesus" - it is going to be a 2 lesson study on how to share Jesus with others. It should be a rockin lesson and yes there will be an assignment!

My closing thoughts ~
Am I leading my family in the way I should be?~
Our sins do affect our children! As do our decisions .... no matter how small they be~
Our Kids are like sponges and they are watching and listening to everything we do~
I just love being in Sunday school on Sundays - Carol has put together a great team and it is getting better each week!~
Am I spending enough time with God and really listening to what He wants to tell me - I mean if He wants me to know something - He will TELL ME or SHOW ME and I might not like how that works out .... pain might be involved or something really tough~
How can I reach and connect with my family even though I feel like I am further from them than I have ever felt before?~
I love where God has me today and the things He has placed on my heart that are important - I feel like they are also VERY important to Him and not just for me~
I plugged in a few new folks yesterday at church into one of our ministries and I love to see that look on the eyes of folks who "GET IT" and are stepping forward in Faith and a love for God~
People - that is what its all about (the folks we are doing life with) even if it gets messy and hard at times - but they are worth it!~

Carol is cooking tonight and I might just make some cornbread to go with it! I just love my wife Carol - she has such Passion and care about life and ........Watching Kyle serving yesterday at church just really make me proud~
Life is good....


Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday ...

It has been awhile since I was out with the boys for lunch. We used to that almost every Friday - few reasons why I stopped was because it was expensive, my belt kept going out and I have "MyKids" that I am investing in at lunch time. Almost every day of the work week I could be somewhere in the area having lunch with one of "MyKids". I love that part the most about my day! I am looking forward to them back in school next week ... just don't let them know I said that ok? :)

Carol, Kyle and I will be attending a party tonight - its going to be fun. We should have our taxes complete and know if we are getting a refund this evening sometime. Its been slow getting to that this year with everything on hold with Walt and all but glad to be moving past it. We have had a lot of break ins in our neighborhood the past 6 months or so - just recently someone came into our garage during the early morning time frame and took Kyle's little motorcycle, some frozen pizza's, a flashlight and dropped a neighbors clothes in our trash. I am walking around locking everything these days and even heading to the cabin makes me a little nervous. I have never owned an alarm system before so I am looking into that. Shame that when the economy is not doing great, folks go to the extreme and steal from each other. Lowest life forms IMOP when someone steals things from others - especially children!
I am looking forward to church Sunday - praying for those families who came last week to our Easter services - hope they come back and we can deliver our BEST for our awesome God again this Sunday!!!
4:00 on a Friday and I am counting down the time to get out of work.... 2 days was enough this week. Looking forward to seeing our Rock Group families this Sunday and hearing about Kyles day at Nascar Speedpark when I get home. Thanks Julie for making Kyle a part of your day!

Being Bold for Jesus - I will be sharing some thoughts on that subject the next few days. I am really pumped about it as I learn some things about myself and the love that Jesus has for us through His word and His teachings.

Carol & Kyle - I love you and proud of both of you~ Continued prayers for God blessings and protection...
Lonnie/Daddy :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Extreme Rambleness~

Ever had one of those days? I have a thousand thoughts running through my head and not one am I nailing down with a clean shot of the hammer. I guess I get that coming back to work after a few days off and I am out of tune a little.

I don't know if I have a cold or my allergies are kicking up.... but not feeling all that great.
Its a 2 day work week ~ I can handle that as I look forward to what I need to do in the yard and garden this coming Saturday...
Kyle is off from school this week for spring break and we should still be at the cabin enjoying some family time together...
I am reflecting some on our Easter Egg Hunt last Saturday - I think we should sell a hotdog, bag of chips and a water/coke - $3.00 - imagine the $$ we could make for the church - even if I have to cook the hotdogs myself! I can do that thanks to my dad and all the years working with him...
I have some new folks serving on breakdown this coming Sunday - hope to get a few more. I love plugging people in and having them really "get" the value in serving our awesome Lord...
I am holding our first Pitt Crew Chief meeting right after Setup Sunday - I never thought of myself as a leader but I pray I can instill in them what I have on my heart...
Carol is stressing to put things together for Sunday school this Sunday and with a new series starting - it adds a lot of stress to leading that ministry - I think its time someone takes on the leadership to make stage props and makes the room FUN according to the theme or lesson series the kids are on .... know anyone crafty and can have fun making something for kids? ...
Maybe if I got a real motorcycle I would see my dad more... especially since its starting to get warm out and spring is arriving here in NC ...
I am looking forward to seeing my Rock Group this Sunday, even though I am a little stressed because I have nothing ready to lead them on with a study but if the 'Heels win tonight' maybe we can have a BB 'Heels party for the game....
I am in still in the book of Acts and I am amazed at how the Gospel has went from Jesus teaching the Disciples to the Disciples teaching people because of the Holy Spirit - It reminds me that the Gospel and the Good News is for "Everyone" - no matter who you are or where you have been...
I got some little crosses up at Chimney Rock the other day and I look forward to making some necklaces for some of "MyKids" to give them next week when school is back in ...
It is only 2:27 and the day is dragging, my office clock needs a battery - its 10:32 and I worked through lunch today ...
Carol has started talking about going up to Tupper Lake NY to close down her dads house and clean it out.... no easy task since Walt never threw out anything.... she is thinking about going Memorial day .... I don't even know what to think about that trip - that is a HUGE job!
The METS start playing soon with opening day next week .. that pumps me up!
I hope all "MyKids" are at church Sunday .......
Continued get well wishes to my buddy Joe - my Grandma Hazel and my Aunt Sharon...

Told you things were wrambled upstairs..........
Praying for focus tomorrow.....
Lonnie ~

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In the 70's ....

But it has not been that way all week. Kyle and I rode our new dirt bikes on Monday and we were having so much fun that we stopped and finally noticed it was snowing. We must have put 40 miles on those bikes yesterday with temps in the low 60's @ Lake Adger NC - I have never had so much fun! Riding that dirt bike and seeing my son smiling through his helmet and saying "Wild Hods" every time we stopped was priceless - but that soon ended with the report of an older lady walking her near death dog along our dirt road. She called securty and "Barney" swarmed us ..... I even had a vacuum in my hand as I was cleaning out the basement! I explained that we had never seen a horse on our road and that we didn't know about the rules about no dirt bikes in Lake Adger. So I just might get a real motorcycle and take Kyle for a ride then - such a simple thing that went bad. I can never get away with anything!

I had a chance to sit out on the deck last night and look at the stars - it is amazing at really how small we are. I mean so much has been created and we are just a speck in it all! I always say hello to mom when I am at the cabin and this time I got to include Walt in that hello. It was pretty cool knowing that they were together.
I am off back to work tomorrow. Kyle has a busy few days ahead with doctors appointments and then a day at the Nascar Speed park with our good friend Julie and her family. Carol and I need to plan our K-5 Lesson for Sunday and I need to prep a Rock Group study for Sunday night.
Even with a few days off, things progress forward ready or not LOL -

Thankful for a few good days of rest and peace at the cabin...... can't wait to get back but ready to engage in what God has for us this week and coming Sunday!

Love to you all,

Monday, March 24, 2008

It has been a BUSY FEW days. Easter Egg hunt preperations Friday night, Saturday was our Easter Egg hunt, and Sunday services yesterday. 469 folks I was told was at our services yesterday and lots of Easter Egg Hunt folks coming to check us out and find out what we are all about. Pastor Jimmy had a great message yesterday and many things he spoke of, really hit home. I remember saying to Carol when the young woman from UNC was killed by 2 thugs - even with all the community together all in the Dean Dome on UNC campus - so many had great and honoring things to say about her and how she lived life - but did she know Jesus? That is the big question! All this other stuff does not matter - and I know I was fighting back tears yesterday as Pastor Jimmy preached - I know there were some tears from some folks who sat around me.
Carol did an awesome job this past week planning the k-5 party yesterday. Brandon our worship pastor came in and sang a few songs for the kids - the kids just love him and he is so good with them..... we had a 20 minute movie for them about Easter and snacks - coloring and prayer. At 11:00 service we had over 50 kids and the place was packed! I love it......... thanks to all those who serve in the K-5 ministy .... we have some God loving and serving kids at our church! Many worked the games for 3 straight hours without a break at the Easter Egg Hunt! They may be k-5 kids but they serve and love Jesus just as much as the older kids - and it SHOWS!

I am still trying to get Kyles dirt bike running right. Seems I need to make some small adjustments and I am not an engine guy so please pray that I get it working so Kyle can ride it. I felt bad yesterday that we couldn't get it running and he sat with his helmet on for 2 hours just sitting there. I am determined today to accomplish that.
We are at the cabin for a few days of some much needed R&R. I slept like a baby last night 24 here this morning and sunny..... man this is going to be a few good days ahead. :)

Headed to Walmart now - Kyle doesn't have any underwear and we have been laughing all morning about that. Dang its good to laugh this morning..........

Go Davidson !!!!!

love you all,

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday~

I just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a happy Good Friday! It is a Friday to celebrate and be thankful for. Tonight our church volunteers are meeting at the church office to get ready for our Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow at Frank Liske Park. We are dishing out 50,000 eggs to all that come. Last year was a blast and we reached out into the community in amazing ways. I am praying the Lord brings us 5 HIGH impact families who are just on fire for God and His church. Praying that they jump right in and serve where ever they may be needed. This is our biggest outreach events of the year other than the pumpkin patch. We should have great weather and I am really excited about tomorrow ~ I will post some pictures on Sunday. My family and I are headed to the cabin for a few days of peace and rest right after the 11:00 Easter service. Looking forward - life is exciting.
Happy Easter everyone and hope to see some happy smiling faces tomorrow :)


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wow what a wild day this has been! Its not even over yet I am hanging on here. Got to spend a lunch visit with a few of my kids this afternoon. I had not been to that school in over a week and I find one of "my kids" upset and just about ready to cry. After calming her down it appears some of the kids were making fun of her and so I shared my M&M story with her and how God made M&M's and that they have a hard outer side but a great yummy and sweet inner side that is just full of awesome stuff - We need to sometimes get a little harder skin and stay sweet and awesome on the inside just the way the Lord has made us. Let those hard and meanful words go and keep that kind and sweet inner just the way it is. I just love M&M's can you tell? God knew what He was doing when he made those things.... :)

Carol called me this afternoon - she was stuck in the Lowes Foods parking lot blocking traffic when the van decided to drop dead and shut off. Glad she was close to home and not out on the highway - Anyways, I get the call, run and get my coat (its cold here in NC - its below 60) and run to Lowes. I get there and she is ready for tears and the first thing she says, "I guess God is testing me!" - I said yes He is so keep smiling!!! I raised the hood of the van and the terminal to the battery came off thus shutting off the engine. Put it back on - started right up. Ran back to work and while walking back in I got to meet a police officer who got a job here on campus about a year ago. His dad knows my dad and we talked for the next hour! It was pretty cool....... He did have actual business here with a report of some stolen property and he came to see me or my bossman .... but it was just funny how we finally met.
Tonight after work I am headed to a dear family to put some grass fertilize down on their lawn. They also have 2 trees in the back yard I am going to check because they did not look good last time I was there - so might have to make arrangements for someone to come and knock them down for me. I don't trust my tree falling skills :) - especially that close to anything important like the house!

My cousin Patty and my Aunt Sharon are keeping me updated with my grandma. She was taken in through the ER this morning and they are testing her. So please keep her in your prayers ....

Have to run but wanted to share my day today. American Idol tonight - When will we hear someone on that show take a stand and sing a Christian song? I mean the past winners and runner ups get their record deals and then land a HIT with a Christian Song - Jesus take the wheel ----- I would start watching the show then after the funny people in the first few weeks are doing their best to get on Letterman are gone....... Might be worth watching hearing someone sing to the Lord on National TV! I still think the best singers and songwriters are in our churches!

Amen to that~

Monday, March 17, 2008

Search till you find......

Isn't it funny when we lose something and we seach high and low for it and we just figure it is GONE. Then one day - BLAM - there it is and it had been under our noses all this time. My buddy at work who lost his wallet 6 months ago or longer found it Saturday.
I found something I had a year ago last Thanksgiving and it was buried in my email inbox of all places :) - guess that is telling me something!
I read this a year ago last Thanksgiving to my family before we shared our first Thanksgiving without my mom with us. I explained the Jesus gave us instructions and lessons for this life in the terms that a child can understand and that we have taken that message and have made it so complicated and hard to understand. Faith is simply accepting Jesus on the cross for your sins and believing that He rose from the dead and He made a place in heaven for you. Grow your faith from right there ....... I then asked my son Kyle to bless the food in a simple and understanding way that ALL would understand. It was time for new leadership and it was Gods place to lead my family.
Enjoy..... Lonnie

I love the fact that R2C2 (My Church) isn't about helping people become churchy--it's about helping people experience a transformed life in Christ that challenges folks to live out their faith daily in today's culture. Frankly, that's a lot harder than just being churchy. Churchiness is easy. You just follow prescribed rules.
Real faith is dynamic. It's controversial. It's dangerous. It's constantly growing. It asks challenging questions. It involves mystery. You can't put it in a box. You can't keep it quiet. You can't out-grow it. You can't out-dream it. It's more focused on others than it is on self. Real faith gives me peace but makes me discontent to let things stay the same.
It's amazing what God can do through a church that embraces that kind of vision for life together. It's revolutionary.

Monday Reflections.....

What a day it was yesterday. Church was great with new and improved energy, focus and vision. I could tell the conference last Thursday at Unleash had rubbed off on a few folks and noticed a few other folks who needed rubbing on :) - Carol and her k-5 ministry team got the creative juices flowing yesterday with some added music to be playing during the setup and check in times, adding the candy hunt with 2 great prizes, Palm leaf crosses for everyone that Carol made herself! - Easter Egg Relay Races, and a craft time for the kids to make INVITE cards to give to their friends and neighbors to bring next Sunday- Did I mention Easter Egg Hunt this coming Saturday? There was such an energy yesterday and it was really fun! I am going to start bringing my camera to church so that I can take some pictures and share them here with everyone. Visual brings a whole lot more to the table than letting our imagination running with it.
After church yesterday we had our Rock Group fun day - we all planned on going bowling and then out to eat. Sorry for the folks who could not make it ... We all enjoyed a great fun day of bowling 2 games - our little guy Mr. David got to roll his first ball down the lane and actually hit the head pin and got a 4. How do you do that? We had such fun with sharing this day with the kids, I mean they are such an important part of our lives and they bring SO much to our Rock Group and church family. I will tell you this - there is nothing I would not do for my Rock Group families.... If you guys are reading this - I love you and I mean that with everything I have!!! Its an honor to do this life with you and your children .... We are making great investments in each other and for the kingdom of God. I would go down fighting for you guys!

Saturday night Carol and I were at our local High School raising money for their athletics. I have never officially played Bingo before but man that is some serious stuff taking place. People are serious and even if Carol or I did not win anything - we never do - it was fun anyways and enjoyed our time there with everyone! I won't be looking for an all night Bingo Parlor anytime soon but I bet some folks left to go there.... :)

I am looking forward to a busy week ahead.... Did I mention Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday? Easter on Sunday ..... then we are leaving for the cabin for a few days to rest while Kyle has spring break next week.......
Carol and I are working on our 3 families to invite this Sunday to church .... imagine the power of 3 ~ Inviting 3 people you know to church and letting God take it from there. That is EXCITING!!!!!!
Love you guys.....

Friday, March 14, 2008

Why? Part2

Why? Part 2 ... Last week after my doctors appointment, the question my doctor asked me was if I had any stress in my life?.... I am really struggling with that because I am doing what I know in my heart God is wanting me to do (stress or not). I continue to ask Him what else do I need to do and what can I do better than I am currently doing?... Maybe I am doing too much? Maybe I am not focused in and doing what He wants me to to the best of my abilities? I mean, I think I am doing ok considering I have never done ANY of this before! But I know there is room for improvement.... LOTS OF IT! Plus stress is for other people :) - Earlier this week after a very stressful church Sunday setup... I was really questioning why I was doing what I was doing... Why am I feeling like only a few are marching forward and the rest are just guiding along watching the scenery go by and soaking it all up....

Then came Unleash 2008 - A church conference in Anderson SC held by an awesome church NewSpring. What started as a bible study on the campus of Anderson College has turned out to be something that only God can do in only a few short years. They admit flying by the seat of their pants ---- every one one of them! (just like us) ~over 8000 people in 4 services in a given weekend with 1500 volunteers all serving together doing greeting, parking, stage preperation, lighting, cleaning, band, AV, Internet, Childrens areas - the list go on and on.
I look forward to sharing some of the notes taken here with you as well as with my church leaders and pastors in a more formal way so that we can build on these ideas - not change everything - because we are doing some of those things and some even a little better but to build and tweak what we are doing all working together all under ONE!

I think the biggest thing is VISION. Gods vision to the people, to the volunteers and leading them in such a way that is rewarding and satisfying in what they are doing, all the while trying to keep people from burning out and keeping fed with Gods word.

* The music was awesome! Loud and inviting with the song selections and video selections - Brandon and our band sound just as awesome IMOP - even on a smaller scale! But great nonetheless!
* The stage was setup really cool with a great back drop and 2 video screens that are SO huge so that no matter where you sit - you feel close to the stage. The lighting was awesome and the bass was kicked up a few notches - I dont remember it thumping like that the last time Carol and I were there for Sunday Services.
* Greeters at every corner, nook and cranny willing to help and direct and welcome us, the ministry started in the parking lot with the parking folks and them greeting us. As we walked in with my church group they asked where we were from and a lady on a loud speaker yelled out CONCORD NC!!!! Everyone was clapping and welcoming us. That was cool and got the energy going right out of the gate...
* Coffee at every turn, snacks, water, fancy coffee, Milk OJ - just about everywhere!
* Lunch was provided by Chick Fil A and under 2 LARGE tents.... meals in bags sitting at each seat so there was no LINE anywhere - just find a seat and have lunch! Awesome idea.......

Sessions were broke down into:
-Main and opening section -worship and an opening message and bible lesson from the Lead Pastor - Perry Noble - that was AWESOME!
-Break -
-Breakout section 1 - that had us all in different directions and places. Carol and I hit the Childrens Ministry which just blew us away - I ran out of paper I had so many notes....
-Breakout section 2 - Carol and I hit the Volunteer section that was led by NewSprings Sherry Morehead. Unreal the army this church has put together for the kingdom of God. I think I wrote some notes on my pant leg :)
-Closing remarks by Lead Pastor Perry Noble~ worship and prayer time.

The entire day had me building up and encouraging me right to the end. I think everyone felt it. I can honestly say that was my first church conference and I can't wait to go back next year. I want to plant that excitement and vision into our church and the teams I lead so that they will get excited about church and serving and to not lose the vision that God originally called them for. So many times we get down and feel like quiting because we sometimes feel we are standing alone, its too hard and we are the only ones taking the weight of things .... I was reminded that YOUR pastor at church is taking YOURweight and everyone elses as well.... IMAGINE the heavy heart and shoulders they carry each and every day. I know that I would battle the gates of Hell for my Pastors, my volunteers and the staff at my church - I love these folks just like I love my family, my Rock Group and "My Kids" - I would fight for all of them......

Thats "Why?" I do what I do. Because they are worth it to God and they are worth it to me. I needed that shot in the arm .... well, shot in the heart :) to be exact.
God knows exactly what we need when we need it ........

Notes to follow~


Why? - is a 2 part'er today. Why do I take the time to do this? Because it is a way for me to keep up with family and friends, many of which do not live close by and we are separated by many miles. It also lets everyone know what I am up to and what my family is up to.
So for me - that is reason enough to keep putting my heart on here and sharing ... My Walk.

I am very encouraged today - after attending the Unleash 2008 Conference in Anderson SC - at an awesome church - NewSpring - spending time with the folks I am serving with on Sundays and doing life with by doing Gods work in making a place for folks to know Jesus. I had a doctors appointment this morning and right now I feel like the terminator! :) - but I am doing ok. I was pretty excited about getting to see some of "My Kids" for lunch today and as always - THIS class is just awesome in every way!! I was asked in front of the teacher today if Uncle Lonnie could spend every lunch with them - and the teacher said yes. I can't .... but wish I could. I brought in a couple of kids meals from Bojangles but I planned ahead and made the changes to the packaging so that I would not get into trouble. We all enjoyed the meal together ... I was asked to hold the hand of one of the kids there as she blessed her food. THAT REALLY MADE ME PROUD. Towards the end of lunch my "FearFactor" girls was asking me about my necklace. She said that she really wanted one and that she really liked it. I tell you - NOTHING compares to the look on a face when God leads you to do the NOT Normal thing - I took the necklace off my neck and gave it to her. Her eyes were so big and a smile that I am sure will last for days was across her face. I shared with "My Kid" about the events of the invite cards Carol and I have put together for Sunday School at church so that she could invite her entire class if she wanted. I had 5 kids right then say they want to come to church with us. THAT is making a connection.
I thought afterwards that maybe I shouldn't have given away my necklace because I don't know this childs parents or what they stand for as far as religion - but I have to leave that with the Lord and I answered His nudge that it was ok. Sometimes we have to take a little risk.... and I pray that these kids show up at church one Sunday. Imagine what our churches would look like if we just prayed for 3 people a year -to come and experience God and life change. If we could just get 3 people to come, in a society today that church attendance if falling and population is increasing, what our churches would look like after the first year! Its would 3x ........

Today I pray that I made a good and bold step for Jesus. It may be just 5th graders but their voice is just as important to God as anyone else. I feel in my heart that I am making great investments with these children and placing a lasting reflection on them..... God gets the glory because I would not be doing this if it was not for Him.

That is "Why?" - Part 1.....
Uncle Lonnie :)

A Forward move.....

I usually don't do this - especially on my blog site but it is worth sharing!
Enjoy the quick read....

Billy Graham is now 86 years old with Parkinson's disease.
In January 2000, leaders in Charlotte , North Carolina ,
invited their favorite son, Billy Graham, to a luncheon in
his honor.
Billy initially hesitated to accept the invitation because he
struggles with Parkinson's disease. But the Charlotte
leaders said, 'We don't expect a major address. Just
come and let us honor you.'
So he agreed.
After wonderful things were said about him, Dr. Graham
stepped to the rostrum, looked at the crowd, and said,
'I'm reminded today of Albert Einstein, the great physicist who
this month has been honored by Time magazine as the
Man of the Century. Einstein was once traveling from
Princeton on a train when the conductor came down the
aisle, punching the tickets of every passenger. When he
came to Einstein, Einstein reached in his vest pocket. He
couldn't find his ticket, so he reached in his trouser pockets.
It wasn't there, so he looked in his briefcase but couldn't find it.
Then he looked in the seat beside him.
He still couldn't find it.
The conductor said, 'Dr. Einstein, I know who you are.
We all know who you are. I'm sure you bought a ticket.
Don't worry about it.'
Einstein nodded appreciatively. The conductor continued
down the aisle punching tickets. As he was ready to
move to the next car, he turned around and saw the great
physicist down on his hands and knees looking under his
seat for his ticket.
The conductor rushed back and said, 'Dr. Einstein,
Dr. Einstein, don't worry, I know who you are. No problem.
You don't need a ticket. I'm sure you bought one.'
Einstein looked at him and said, 'Young man, I too, know who I am.
What I don't know is where I'm going.''
Having said that Billy Graham continued,
'See the suit I'm wearing? It's a brand new suit.
My wife, my children, and my grandchildren are telling me
I've gotten a little slovenly in my old age. I used to be a bit
more fastidious. So I went out and bought a new suit for this
luncheon and one more occasion.
You know what that occasion is? This is the suit in which
I'll be buried. But when you hear I'm dead, I don't want
you to immediately remember the suit I'm wearing.

I want you to remember this: I not only know who I am . I also know where I'm going.'

Do YOU know where you're going?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Looking through which eyes?

Trusting God meanes looking beyond what we see & seeing what God sees.

Tomorrow Carol and I are headed to Anderson SC to attend the Unleash Conference at NewSpring church. Their web site is: - they have their messages online and have a rocking band to go with it. With 6000 people a weekend coming through their doors it is an amazing thing to see what God is doing through that church. (Anderson is not that big!) Carol, Kyle and I attended a Sunday service last fall and were blown away by everything - not just size - but everything.
So tomorrow, Carol and I will be attending with our Pastors and other church ministry leaders and I know it will get our creative juices pumped up and flowing. I will post some notes Friday on this sold out conference. Pastors and Ministry leaders from across the country! Over 350 Volunteers ready to serve ... it's going to be amazing.

Today I got to step forward and get back to having lunch with "my kids". I was a little slow coming out of the gate, still not feeling up to par but pressing foward nonetheless. It was good seeing the smiles and even got to have a little "pep" talk with one about being mad at a friend. Sometimes even as adults we let the little things get inbetween friendships and then things slip away all over something silly. Friendships should be in place to raise each other up, to hold each other accountable and to walk with no matter what we are going through. If that friendship isn't going to a place you want to go then you need to move it aside ... invest in your true friends and be honest with yourself. Sometimes we have to take a stand for something even if you are the only one still standing. God wants us to stand for integrity and honesty and above all else to honor Him. You do those things and God will bless those relationships.

Last night Kyle and I visited the place where Walt stayed at the nursing home. So many new faces and so many missing faces from even a month ago. We got to see a few folks who my family and I have grown fond of and it was great seeing them, talking with them and kneeling next to them. I look up to these folks because of their wisdom and things they have been through. Mary is one of these ladies. She is 93 and cannot walk anymore and she can only see out of one eye. She lost her husband over 50 years ago to a heart attack at age 44. She has been alone since and I asked her - "Mary, did you never date anyone afterwards or did you even want to?" She said honey, "I just could never find anyone else as good as my husband." That pretty much left me speechless. She smiles and pauses before she speaks - you can tell when she has something important to say and I just can't wait for what she has to share. She just loves her little man - Kyle. They shared some chocolate together last night, Mary has a sectret stash of goodies :)

It has been a good couple of days trying to see not with my eyes but through the eyes of the Lord. He does have a different vision on things and on people than we do. He sees us all the same and He loves us all the same. The book of Acts does a great job in describing that the word of God is for everyone. That still rings true today ... it is for everyone.

Whos eyes are you looking through? Yours or our Heavenly Fathers?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

3rd quarter ~

At 41 years old and if life could be looked at like a football game - I would say that my life just got out of half time and I am ready for the 3rd quarter. I am tired of dancing around with life and feeling this life out - It is time to make a change and to have a new strategy in this game of life. Most games are won in the third quarter with being the quarter most points are scored but just like the New England Patriots - it doesnt matter what you have done in your life (game) its finishing it that counts the most - its the ending that people remember. The Patriots will go down as the best team ever to be put on a field 18-0 but they fell short of winning it all.
Being in the early 40's now - I guess so many men have their mid-life crisis. Well what exactly is that anyways? Its more than getting sports car, a golf membership at the country club, getting the Harley or having an affair with a young woman who is probably uglier than your wife - why do men go through this? I think for many, they look back and see where they have been and notice that there is not that much time left - Life is at Half-Time - There are things I want to do over again.
My 20's and 30's were about making me, making money, my job and making something of myself.
My 40's and beyond - my 3rd quarter is about bringing glory to God and making this a team effort and not a ME effort. I can't do this alone or with just a few folks - I need teamwork and teamates to get the job done.

Folks in their 40's and beyond and looking a little further and seeing retirement and thinking 401k and investments portfolio's - when in turn they have let society raise their children - they have let the job control their time away from their families. Imagine what Bill Gates or Tiger Woods could do for the kingdom of God with all the power, spotlight and influence they have? I don't want to get to the point in my life where its time to spike the ball and run out the clock or take a knee and change sides. I don't want to stand on the sideline watching my son's generation looking up to Britney Spears and wanting a life like hers. No matter what stage you are in in your life, God can use you and God has a purpose for you. You can do something for God for the generation behind you and the one in front of you and the one you are currently in. So many are afraid and want to know the details and never take the leap of faith and extend a hand out for God. We have people in churches that come and go each Sunday unchanged and go back to their lives, only to come back the next Sunday - Still not engaging and getting involved in what is going on around them.

A few years ago my family and I put a good sum of money on a home - I designed it and contracted with a fella who could build it - His wife was a realitor and she was going to sell our current home. It was a great project building that home that we designed and put together. There were many extra's in that home that we wanted. We soon had a buyer for our old home and we began to move in some stuff even before it was complete. Our buyers failed to get a mortgage - the deal went south and I had to let go of this new home along with a good sum of money. I remember asking God "Why?" "God if this is the way it is, then ok - You know the plan for me better than I do, show me what to do next." It hurts to just flush a ton of cash down the drain with nothing to show for it. We sat a month and licked our wounds and let our hearts heal - Carol and I were really upset and we lived in boxes for months until I felt like God said it was time to get going again. We did and we found a new home, a better location, and our old home sold with no problems. This new home brought us to look for a new church and a great church at that! It was during these next few weeks, Easter Sunday that we took our fancy pants and dress shirts to the first service and felt out of place but felt like - this is cool and we knew our search for a new church home was over.

God had better plans for us but we did not see it at the time. That money I lost has long been made up in appreciation (and Taxes!) but we are much happier, have deep and meaning relationships and all because we trusted God.
God has taken me to this point in my life and it is time to give back to God. It is time that my family and I serve Him, Honor Him and glorify His name. He helped up this side of the mountain and why wouldn't I walk down the other side with Him?
Our Pastor told the congregation Sunday that we are moving forward in our church building process. It has been a long road, so many others even longer than my family and I - It is a road built on Faith and a road that we have come through in our own way. I look forward to the coming months as the plans move forward, excitment builds in the community and my roles in my church change to something else. Like above, God has better plans for our lives and with FAITH - we can move forward and not stay stuck in the past or defeated and have to take a knee to wind the clock out.
For more information about our church home - visit -

With God we can do all things that seem impossible....... I am going to love the 3rd quarter.....


Monday, March 10, 2008

I did a stupid thing last night. Yea I said it - no I didn't put my foot in my mouth (something I am always afraid of - hurting someone close to me with my big trap) but I tried to take a bone away from my big dog Adger. He is a gentle and beautiful dog but just not on the plus side with brains. I do my best to be the pack leader and the alpha male - pack terms in dog language but even still the pack leader gets hurt sometimes. As I approached Adger last night with a dog treat, I could tell he was ready and growling as I approached - most dogs protect what is theirs and sometimes whatever that item is needs to be taken away to show them authority and who is the Top Dog.
Well, I lost last night and Adger got me on the hand - 2 good tooth holes in my knuckle and in my muscle between my thumb and pointer finger. Well, there was blood for sure and I pinned Adger down by the neck and told him bad dog - but it was I who was bad. Just needed to be smarter about things and choose better when it comes to confratation like that. I will get another chance, not to worry - but for now - I am one handed for the most part.

I do want to share that yesterday serving at church took a lot out of me. I had major stress going on when only a few folks showed for setup Sunday Morning. With the few hands I had yesterday and with help from our Youth Pastor, Band and AV guys - we got it done. Reason why I am sharing this is, it goes to show us that it does take all kinds of people with different passions and talents to get things done sometimes. When serving the Lord it takes teamwork and no job is yours or this job is mine mindset to get things accomplished. It's hard work and serving is something I feel called to do - I feel blessed and honored to serve God and to do my part in making a place for God to change people, like He has changed me.

I have been thinking today as last night I finished up leading our Rock Group in a lesson - 30 days to live. It has been a tough series for me with the passing of Walt and my mom 2 years ago. I do believe that no amount of time ever washes away that pain we still feel during those times that we miss our loved ones. I think about how both my mom and Walt suffered and God placed on my heart today that there are MANY ways to leave this earth - but only ONE way into Heaven. We all have an EXIT STORY right? We each will have our own story, unique in every way. I remember my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster praying for my mom and Walt for healing - My dad screaming in the hospital room asking God why? I do think in some way he is still mad at God today for what has happened to mom. I do know early on in my moms sickness that God spoke to my heart and assured me that mom would be healed but just not in the way that I wanted. Not in this life and that she would be healed in Heaven for all of eternity. I know Walt is rejoicing exactly that today. I think they both are looking now and saying - that suffering was worth it.
Sickness is still healed today by God. Some sickness is caused by our own sins. Some are used by God for His purposes. Look at all that God accomplished through the sickness in my mom and with Walt! We had people gathering together, praying, sharing their stories as folks dropped off meals, Just this past week my Rock Group dropped off 3 Build A Bears to a family with a very sick 3 year old - Good is coming from all this..... We have to see not with our own eyes but through the eyes of God and focus in on what He sees.

James 5 tells us this story:
Prayer to Be Reckoned With
13-15Are you hurting? Pray. Do you feel great? Sing. Are you sick? Call the church leaders together to pray and anoint you with oil in the name of the Master. Believing-prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet. And if you've sinned, you'll be forgiven—healed inside and out.
16-18Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with. Elijah, for instance, human just like us, prayed hard that it wouldn't rain, and it didn't—not a drop for three and a half years. Then he prayed that it would rain, and it did. The showers came and everything started growing again.
19-20My dear friends, if you know people who have wandered off from God's truth, don't write them off. Go after them. Get them back and you will have rescued precious lives from destruction and prevented an epidemic of wandering away from God.

My good friend Joe from church is headed back this week to Duke - his cancer has come back and this will be the 3rd operation on his brain in the last 5 or 6 years now. God is using this sickness for His purposes - I love Joe and his family and I know God is in control of all this but its God's purposes above our own. As we all deal with sickness in a world full of disease - we can only turn to God and ask in FULL FAITH that He will heal us if its according to His will. Doesn't matter how you pray or how articulate you are in your prayers - it just matter if you have trust and faith in Jesus - no matter what - You will be healed - Inside and Out.

Just what is on my heart today -

Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday thoughts...

Well - first few days back at work. Glad to be back and glad to be learning, reading and thinking about other things again. I have been in Acts the last day or so and while reading chapter 9 this morning, I want to share something this morning that is new to me. Now I have read this chapter before and I am sure you have been there as well - but funny how we learn something new even if we have read something many times before. The Gospel works that way ...

Acts 9:
The Blinding of Saul
1-2 All this time Saul was breathing down the necks of the Master's disciples, out for the kill. He went to the Chief Priest and got arrest warrants to take to the meeting places in Damascus so that if he found anyone there belonging to the Way, whether men or women, he could arrest them and bring them to Jerusalem.
3-4He set off. When he got to the outskirts of Damascus, he was suddenly dazed by a blinding flash of light. As he fell to the ground, he heard a voice: "Saul, Saul, why are you out to get me?"
5-6He said, "Who are you, Master?"
"I am Jesus, the One you're hunting down. I want you to get up and enter the city. In the city you'll be told what to do next."
7-9His companions stood there dumbstruck—they could hear the sound, but couldn't see anyone—while Saul, picking himself up off the ground, found himself stone-blind. They had to take him by the hand and lead him into Damascus. He continued blind for three days. He ate nothing, drank nothing.
10There was a disciple in Damascus by the name of Ananias. The Master spoke to him in a vision: "Ananias."
"Yes, Master?" he answered.
11-12"Get up and go over to Straight Avenue. Ask at the house of Judas for a man from Tarsus. His name is Saul. He's there praying. He has just had a dream in which he saw a man named Ananias enter the house and lay hands on him so he could see again."
13-14Ananias protested, "Master, you can't be serious. Everybody's talking about this man and the terrible things he's been doing, his reign of terror against your people in Jerusalem! And now he's shown up here with papers from the Chief Priest that give him license to do the same to us."
15-16But the Master said, "Don't argue. Go! I have picked him as my personal representative to non-Jews and kings and Jews. And now I'm about to show him what he's in for—the hard suffering that goes with this job."
17-19So Ananias went and found the house, placed his hands on blind Saul, and said, "Brother Saul, the Master sent me, the same Jesus you saw on your way here. He sent me so you could see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit." No sooner were the words out of his mouth than something like scales fell from Saul's eyes—he could see again! He got to his feet, was baptized, and sat down with them to a hearty meal.

Why do I find this passage so amazing? If you know anything about Saul - he is really the Apostle Paul - before this passage took place - Paul (Saul) was a murderer, killing Christians just for the fun of it, putting them in jail and getting special privileges to go to other places looking for them so that he could bring them back and have them placed in jail or killed. God forgave him and used him - Paul is one of the greatest men that God used to spread the Gospel. Think about all the things you have done in your life. I am sure you were not as bad as Paul - you probably have not killed anyone or made it your life mission to put people in jail because of what they believe in. No matter what you have done, no matter what others have done to you, no matter where you have been - God has a purpose for your life and you are not too far away that God cannot save you. Your heart is not hard enough for God to penetrate it. If God can use Paul - He can surely use you. If God can save Paul - God can surely save you.

I think about my father n law, Walt, this morning. All his life he walked away from anything that was religious. He made it very clear he was not interested. But the last months, I sat with him many evenings talking about "Stuff" - some of which those conversation did not end on a good note. But he would always bring them back up a few days later - ask questions and really test me in my answers and my beliefs. It took many folks around him to show him the practical love of Jesus and what we are supposed to do for each other when times are hard. It took the prayers of a child - a simple message and a simple prayer to bring Walt to Christ - along with everyone aroung him showing him the practical love of Jesus.
God can do the same for you~
I am looking forward to this weekend. A little down time, the Harrisburg Daddy/Daughter dance tomorrow evening - serving on Sunday and church Sunday and getting back with Rock Group Sunday night. There are many things to be excited about in life - Life is for the living - are you really living right now? Are you just floating by in life with no purpose, held down by guilt, worry and other things? Are you stuck in the material things of this life - the very things that won't matter 10 years from now?

Christ can show you how.........

Love you all,

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Finding the groove~

It is good to be back at work. Hard getting up this morning but glad I am here. It is spring break week and there are not many folks around. Got a chance this morning to go around and talk with some folks and enjoyed catching up with them. Thanking many of them for all their prayers, meals and emails over the last month.
I do look forward to getting back in the groove though and also working some of the weight off my gut - as I have eaten way out of control the last month or so with all the great food showing up. I don't think Carol remembers how to cook anymore!!

Anyways, Bob flight was delayed this morning as their are storms in the NYC area. They were here last night and me, Kyle and Bob went from window to window watching the storm - and then check on radar for the complete update. It was fun having Carols brother around the last month on and off. He is a good guy and my family and I enjoyed having him with us. Next get together will be on different terms though. We will have to plan our trip up to Tupper Lake NY soon and get the house dealt with. Have to wait till May or so before you can get through the snow! I know Kyle wont mind it but I am not working much with it -5 out.

Well - many thanks again for everything. The memorial service Monday night was awesome. Jimmy preached a great little message and Brandon did an awesome job with "Amazing Grace" - we even applauded afterwards! When was the last time you got to hear applause at a funeral or wake? Its just our style -

Walt there is no reasons for tears man - we will miss you and the next time we see you, we will be going to you this time...... our place in heaven and I am proud of you. What a memorial service it would have been if you did not place your life in the hands of Jesus before you left us. Holy bleep I am proud of you. Does it ever seem that the folks who seem to be the furthest from God are actually the closest? This time it was .........

Going to find my groove back now - with a cup of coffee :)
Hey Caffeine always helps !

Love you all,

Monday, March 3, 2008

Its been a few days~

It has been a few days since I posted anything. I have been taking some time away from things, getting some extra sleep and rest, taking care of some things that I have not been able to for the last month or so.... but I look forward to getting back in the game again. Carol, Kyle, Bob and I will be wrapping up somethings at the funeral home today and then getting to the funeral home early tonight for Walts service. We are all looking to get through this and to thank everyone for everything. Jimmy has a powerful message and I really look forward to getting some energy from that message.
Yesterday, church was a little crazy, it was good to get back serving and greeting everyone. There were no tears, unlike last week! - and Rock group last night was even a little weird. Weird in a way that, well, some folks were missing, and I guess I was out of routine - I let the kids show everyone the Build a Bears they made for Adam and his family, and eggs were being stuffed and Bob was in charge. His face was so red and has never been in a position to handle a house full of kids before. LOL - he did very good and Carol only told him he was too loud 2 times...... I can't imagine how out of control that would have been if he was not in there!
Anyways, since there is some good material in that DVD - I am thinking about combining the 3 and 4 week message together and then planning together our next series. I do know that I want to learn something from the message each week. I want to know how to apply what I am learning and what I am trying to teach to my life as well as the lives of those in my rock group. I get really excited and pumped knowing that there is some change in the lives of the folks in our rock group. It is changing me ... and that is something I would love to see happen with everyone.

I want my single folks in the group to be able to feel comfortable knowing that when they are tired, hurting or struggling with something - that they can call or email anyone in the group for help - no matter the time of day. Even if its just for a few hours to watch the kids so they can take a shower in peace, take a nap, get away for some "Me" time - I know that folks have a hard time asking for help - I am the same way. Maybe I need to work through the process of teaming folks up and helping each other. A few months ago, I asked folks to pick a name out of a hat and that being their prayer buddy - Maybe we need another one of those so we can have a "Me" buddy - where we give each other the evening off - or an afternoon of free time - a recharge on the batteries!

Well - looking forward to thanking everyone this evening and rejoicing that Walt is in heaven. Our next meeting will be us going to see him. Life is short loved ones, make each moment count. God has a purpose for you and He has a vision for your life - do you know what that vision is?
No matter how old or how young you are - God is looking to use you for His purposes......

Love you and thank you all for everything,