Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday evening thoughts.....

Well we are back from a few days of R&R - it was great being out of town even if I feel we are so far from everyone! It was good to get away for a bit. Back to school and work tomorrow. I am looking forward to getting back though - I look forward to seeing what God has planned each day - especially with the folks He has me doing life with these days. Halloween tomorrow - looking forward to that! Kyle has been excited for a few days now and he gets to go out and get some candy with his buddies. He is trading his candy in for cold hard CASH again this year - he is looking for a motorcycle so I am sure he will be hitting the streets hard - only rule is he can't get the same house twice :)

One of the things I have learned the last few days is my leadership at church. I have always been a small type project person - I don't have vision for the big and long project. I am not sure why, I have always been that way. Taking on this leadership role at church, I know I have stayed pretty much to my ways and not doing things Gods way. His ways are so much better. I mean here I am feeling the weight of all the stuff I have to get done - and not having enough folks to do everything and I am serving for like 3 people. But those other 2 people - its not fair to them because I am taking there spot and their chance to get connected and plugged in and to see the value in serving our Lord. After NewSpring - hundreds of volunteers - there is no way anyone can be like this~ they need others to get it all done. We are the same except on a smaller scale. We need folks serving - I need folks serving - Sleeping Saturday night needs to happen - letting others serve and leading these folks in serving needs to happen. I will do my best now to not take up any more spots where we can fit people in. I am a team player - always have been and always will. I am not one to sit on the sidelines and watch.

I have lunch with Kyle and his class tomorrow - they are having a Halloween party! I get to go again to lunch on Thursday since the teacher is out! Friday - I am going to see miss Haley and have lunch with her. I am really looking forward to a short week but a blessed week.

Morgan dear, I am sorry you did not get your cast off. I am so looking forward to our "Date" night with you and your sister. Since that was going to be Thursday to celebrate your cast coming off after how many months you have had this thing??? I think we can still do something special anyways. God knows the timing of your arm and when it will be healed. Better to be safe than sorry...... love you ladies.

Guess we will go carve our pumpkin now and get pumpkin snot all over the place!

Gods best tomorrow and be safe!

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