Monday, October 22, 2007

Project ARK~

Thank you all for your prayers. Last night was great and my heart, I think, was all in the right places. Last night at Rock Group - we launched project ARK - Acts of Random Kindness.

After the last month or a little longer, our rock group meetings have been building to this. A few weeks back I charged everyone with "Prayer Buddy" - their assignment was to bless someone in the group. With lunch, making them dinner, sending flowers, or a card in the mail ~ something to let our "Prayer Buddy"know that they were praying for them. We all picked names out of bag and in a few weeks we will share those stories together. The next week I showed a small movie clip that was titled "Faith with Works". My plan was to move our faith out of church on Sundays and into our everyday lives. Move Faith and take it to work with us, to our lunchroom tables at work, into our friends lives and into our families. Put action behind our Faith ~ This ARK came about.
I passed out envelopes last night with $5 - $10 bills in them. Everyone including our littlest one who is 2 got to participate. I had all our kids in the room that was there and I gave the rules and WHY we were doing this. ARK - Acts of Random Kindness - puts our faith into our everyday lives. The blessings that God is providing us - pass them along to someone. It might be a stuggling mom with groceries - or that little old lady at the check out line in the video store - paying for gas $10 at a time..... buying lunch for that child at school who you know their parents are not together anymore - it might be that sandwhich you have been wanting to buy your friend who you havent seen in a few months and you really want to invite them to church. You are passing along the blessings so that in turn - maybe they will also pass along that blessing.
Our Rock Group children - all into this with eyes just as big as the envelopes - I asked everyone to pray over what they had been given because if we are faithful and trusted with what God has given you - He will bless that with even more.
Honestly - I dont have money to give away - I wish it would have been 4000 bucks there.... but I know God will bless this, change lives and in turn my family and I will reap those blessings knowing we are doing something cool and something awesome for Gods kingdom.

Project ARK - what would you do with $50????? Who would you bless and in what way? Email me your ideas and thoughts.....

This is just something God is doing down here in the little town of Harrisburg NC - in my family and those we are doing life with. Humbled beyond belief - yet again.

With love and prayers,

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