Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Philemon 1:6
6I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

I will be honest today, not that I am not honest on other days but I want to share with you today that I have a heavy heart with all that is happening around me. My family and I are running in all kinds of directions - we are burning the candle on both ends so to speak. But I know God is putting the things we are taking care of in our lives because He is at work in those things. With Walt being at the hospital now here in Charlotte - we are using that time to show him we love him. To go out of the way to help him and sit and talk with him. Last night I know he was uncomfortable with me helping him eat - putting his lip balm on and adjusting his hands and arms. It is a tough thing for him to humble himself to let someone help him - especially his son in law. But I know he loves me and I am taking care of his daughter and I am doing so in the best way I know how and with Gods guidance. I think he is becoming more open about "Religion" but I think he is afraid to open his heart and open his mind to something that he has put away with for so long in his life. He has never needed God - never found any value in it. When he sees us on Sundays when he stays with us - he watches us go out the door and with Kyle asking his grandpa to come. Its heart breaking knowing that a loved one is on the path to Hell and there is only so much we can do for him. I have had it on my heart since my mom left to care for my dad - I promised my mom that she would see dad again. It was the ONLY thing that held her here on this earth as long as she did. It was her will against everything else.... maybe even her talking to the Lord to let her hang for a little while longer hoping that she would know that she would see my dad again and that next time would be in heaven. I can't honestly say if I know that will happen today. People come to know Jesus in all kinds of ways - in all kinds of heartaches and in all walks of life. Its the reason why on Sundays my family and I are leading, serving, singing and praising the Lord for all the good He shows us and provides us. Bad things happen but God is with us during those seasons. We learn and we heal from them - we move on and God walks with us to better pastures. Walt does not know the people praying for him- the folks lifting his name to Jesus - he does not know they love him like family. But he will soon and I think that is the part of the connection he is missing. Its the part I needed to feel and experience first hand when my mom was sick and my church family surrounded me - prayed for me- sent meals to the house and gave me gas money to go back and forth. They loved on me like Jesus loved on me. That is how I came to really know Jesus. Once we ask God into our hearts He will grow and flourish if we let Him. Let that fire burn in your heart loved ones, let GOd take you places you never dreamed you could do... I never dreamed I would be where I am today and that is only because I have given God permission and I am seeking Him for more! I want to know more and learn more - I want to love on folks around me -invite them to church to come to know Jesus like I have!!! AND WHY NOT? Its life changing stuff taking place.
Only time will tell if Walt and my dad and so many others around us - in our families and in our neighborhoods and the folks we even life with will come to know Jesus. I can't imagine having to lose a momma without knowing Jesus and where she is. Life would be so not worth living that why even bother with it anymore? Never going to find happiness and meaning and purpose in this life without God.

If you had 30 days to live - what would be important to you? What would you have to say folks around you? In your family?? That is the way we should live - love and care for others. Like we are in our last 30 days.....and if you think about it....we just may be in that 30 day time frame.

Are you ready?????? Got something on your mind - scared? Don't put it off.... get on with living the way God intended you to live.

So as my families life right now is leading in many directions and we are wearing many hats - I know its all for God glory and we are doing all this for a reason. The reason is clear as Crystal to me.
Someone needs to know the Lord today - Is it you?

email me.... lrbatema@gmail.com

Love you all,

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

I read your blog every day. Most of the time I don't comment I meditate in prayer over it. But other times like right now something jumps out at me. It's the question "what if you only had 30 days to live, what would you tell your loved ones" That thought is burning within me. I've often thought of that as I remember the days leading up to the death of my sister, your momma, oh how I wanted her to live. Here, with me. I wasn't ready to let her go. Now that she is gone on before me, it gives me something more to go to Heaven for. Sis never liked a lot of attention, she let everyone else have that, she did the background stuff that people don't get credit for but notice it if it's not done. But now she's right in the middle of it all, praising God and all the other glorious things they are doing that we can't even imagine. But no doubt, she is not hanging in the background watching everyone else. She is right there amongst the throne and that thrills me. If I can't have her here then the only other place I would want her is there with our Saviour.

I want my family and friends to know that when my "30 days" come up that I am going to Heaven. I don't think I am going, I am going. I believe God's word and that is where I will be. Heaven is a real place, and I want to go there when my time comes. My life here will be final, the second I take my last breath,my new life will begin. What appears to be the end will be the beginning. And to my loved ones, I want you to know that if you don't choose to go there, I will not know that you are in Hell. The Bible says that in Heaven former things are passed away, no tears, no heartaches, I won't remember that you didn't make it to Heaven if you don't, God will not allow me to remember that heartbreak but I will remember you if you come there. God will allow my rejoicing to see you. I will rejoice just as Sis will when I get there. She will remember me as I am, she will know me as I was known. She will not remember those bad times down here God wiped all that away when He took her home and He will me too. But those that go to Hell will remember all things as they suffer for eternity, they will remember those they loved that went to Heaven and will wish for eternity they chose Heaven instead of Hell. They will remember each evil deed they did, each time they turned their back on God and for eternity regret their decision. They will remember love others showed them and they turned their back on them thinking their way was the way.

My loved ones, when my 30 days are gone, if you want to see me again and live with me and my Lord you will have to come to me there that is where I'll be watching and waiting for those I love. Time will not matter to me there, it will be forever I will never get tired of knowing those that meet me there, I wil love everyone and everyone will love me. I will especially rejoice when my family arrives and we will go together and see Jesus. I know there are those I love there, that will be there as I make my entrance. That is the desire of my heart, to go with my sister and other loved ones to see Jesus the one that died so I can live.

That burns in my heart as I think of some that I love dearly not giving their heart and lives to God, that thought hurts me now but after I'm gone if you don't come to me in Heaven I will never see you again and I won't know that you went to Hell instead of Heaven, God will not sadden my glory with that. It is every one's choice. To me, I would think my loved ones would see that within 30 days of my leaving, if not I can't wait I will still love you but there will be no turning back. I will not turn back for you, my yeaning for Heaven will take me home. You may miss me but if you don't give your heart to God, you will never see me again. The thought of never seeing my son, Scott, again after I leave breaks my heart, I call his name in prayer every day of my life, I also pray that that prayer will be answered in my lifetime so that I can know we will be together again.

I pray for God's love, mercy and grace on all people that they could see life in Heaven instead of life in Hell.

Let it burn in your heart if you did have those 30 days, some people don't get that long to figure it out.

Love in Christ, May God Bless You All,
Aunt Sharon