Monday, June 4, 2007

Practice real love...

As I look back on the last year, my reflections take me to one word - "Encouragement". This past Saturday was the ending of my sons baseball season. Play off game tomorrow which we probably don't have much chance in winning but I don't give up hope for a win. There was an incident on the field last Saturday that left a child in tears and the parents walking away in the middle of the game ending his season. Wednesday I am taking his trophy into school to give to him and I have made a certificate for him, in hopes he will continue to like baseball. I would understand at this point if he never plays again but sometimes bad things happen and we cannot give in and give up. There is always next year and a new team and a new coach - a coach that encourages, teaches and leads by example. That coach next year might just be me.
Romans 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

This is the last week of school this week - the last week to see my kids. I am looking forward to Wednesday and Friday this week. I hope to see all of them at some point over the summer. They are like my own children and I want to encourage them and let them know I care. One of the gifts that God has given me is in being an encourager - if you are around me at all - that is what you are going to get - encouragement. I want to be a blessing to others. It keeps me focused on others and not on myself. There are many people around me that need encouragement - a kind word or a smile. My office door is always open for anyone wanting to just talk or to pray with. When we are needing a miracle in life - we may just be that miracle to someone else. God pours down the favors when we focus on others and are a blessing to others. Our miracles will happen if we take a step like Jesus and be a blessing to someone else. Even a blessing when payback is not an option. It may be a widow who needs a friend, the mailman having a tough day, the person new running the register at the local grocery store - $20 extra for the pizza delivery boy - flowers sent to someone you don't know at your local hospital - buying shoes for a needy family - there are millions of ways to be a blessing to others. This generation we are more into time than we are money. Invest in some time for someone around you - When we pour Gods love into the lives of those around us~ He will pour heavens blessings into ours.

1 John 3:18
My dear children, let’s not just talk about love; let’s practice real love.”

Be a blessing today ...... and reach out and experience God the way Jesus showed us. We are His arms, his tongue and His actions. Miracles do happen and the old saying of that is better to give than to receive still stands true.

Quote of the Day"Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses."
Love you all,

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

Hey I really like that quote that really is an eye opener. You definitely are an encourager and I thank God for you.
I love you
Aunt Sharon