Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers day!!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy fathers day today. Carol, Kyle and his friend Tyler and I all spent the weekend at the cabin. Had a great time - weather was stormy yesterday but this morning we got to swim in the lake. Kyle did not want to leave - as we didn't want to either. We came home and we met some of our Rock Group members and went to see the Kannapolis Intimidators play. They won in the bottom of the 9th - 2 out with 2 strikes for a 3 run homer. Pretty cool..... we were all lined up to go on the field and play catch as a special day for Fathers. I got to play catch with Kyle, our friends daughter Heather and her 2 cousins. It was great - even though we didnt have a ball or gloves! We were tossing a Gatorade bottle until someone came over and gave us a baseball. We were really smiling there until Heathers cousin got hit in the mouth and she saw blood. Nothing like a dramatic ending ~ I carried her all the way to the bathrooms - got her a drink of water and then carried her to the car. I felt terrible but I know stuff happens and she is ok. I got a hug when I put her in the car and told her I was sorry. Anyways - it was really cool to share time today with everyone. I just value this time so much.
Busy week coming up~ so hitting the hay early. Mets are losing 5-0. Hate that.... Go Mets.
Love you all,

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