Monday, May 7, 2007

The circle of Friends.....

I did something interesting last night with our rock group. I shared with everyone the passion I have for lost people. How I too was lost not long ago and how much it really bothers me that people refuse to change the direction in their life - to listen to what I am trying my best to tell folks. It has left me frustrated at times, questioning why I am caring so much, it has left me isolated from the folks I love. But, I have taken an oath - like all Christians who have accepted Jesus - to take the Good News to the people in our lives. To help them accept Jesus, share His love for them, to attend church and become connected so that their lives will have meaning and purpose. That is why I stay the course and continue to battle everyday not only with myself but also with the very people I love.
I shared with everyone last night that I have 3 people in my family (not including my wife and son) that I can truly pray with. Meaningful prayer together and talk about church and Jesus - how life changing it is. I get excited when these conversations take place and we share with each other what God is doing in our lives. I am not alone ~ almost everyone there had just a small number of family that they too can pray with. I really thought for some reason I was out there - alone in this walk - especially living here in the bible belt of America!

Then this morning - the light bulb went off.
Romans 12:16
14-16Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody.

Most church folks surround themselves with other church folks. They lose contact with the lost people in their lives. Yes we are to have meaningful relationships with other Christians but not entirely one sided. The Apostle Paul encourages us to find common ground with non-believers: “I do this to get the Gospel to them and also for the blessing I myself receive when I see them come to Christ.” (1 Cor. 9:21-23) Finding common ground is an act of friendship; it guides us to look for the positive instead of the negative in those outside the faith. Jesus looked at the Samaritan woman and told her of the things He knew - He pointed out the things they have in common and not the things that were wrong and sinful. She became a friend to Jesus - thus bringing Him all her friends and family.
I know I belong to Jesus - I am His - I value the people in my life and the people I meet. I may not agree with the life style, decisions or back grounds but we must love all people - regardless and look for those teachable moments.

I continue to pray for the lost folks in my life - I continue to pray for the family and friends that walk with me on my journey with Jesus. I guess this is why when I am at church these days - I try to look at things through the eyes of the non-believer - so I can take action and give them no excuses to walk out and not come back. Its that important ~ Eternity is at stake here and this world is full of lost people. Its easy to blend into the crowd, to go with the flow. It's hard as bleep sometimes to take a stand for what is right - for what burns in your heart even if that means you would be on the outside. But then again, I am on the inside~ Inside the loving arms of our heavenly Father.
So we can go with the flow, put off your decision to follow Jesus now, and then suffer in eternity. -OR - Pay the price now and suffer a little in this life, the next one will be glorious! Wouldn't have it any other way. What circle are you in?


1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

Jesus said "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:34-35

Jesus kept company with the sinners, those that were not living the life that Jesus' followers were living. That is how He reached them, by showing them love. They were the outcast, the unloveable, their lives were changed when Jesus gave them His love and His time. Doesn't that sound just like us before Jesus came into our hearts??

When the woman was caught in adultry and the penalty was for her to be stoned, Jesus said "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her". John 8:7

We have all sinned and fell short of what God expects of us. God help us to venture out from our safety zone with our church friends and show those that are lost and hurting how much God loves them. It may make all the difference in the world, the next world.