Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I am not exactly sure where to even start this morning. There is just so much I want to share, so many experiences, smells, tingles, emotions, sights, sounds that its impossible to explain it all - even just touching the highlights and not digging deep into those awesome moments. I am posting only the group photos here because there are way too many individual pictures captured that posting only a few would not do it justice. I will share that these group photos capture the hearts of those who went to serve the kingdom of God and share Gods love with the joyful people of Jamaica. Our 21 member team united as one and served with such enthusiasm, such gentleness and with care and love and grace - we came as 2 teams but we left as one. I can honestly say with confidence that our Jamaica team united together and I know we each left a part of our hearts and our tears in Jamaica when we boarded our planes Monday to head back to our lives. We left changed in so many ways - the lives we got to touch, the songs we got to sing, the Gospel we each shared in teaching not by so much as what we said last week but by our actions and through the things we did. We left imprints on the hearts of those we touched. The poverty and struggles there in the real Jamaica that we got to see is overwhelming at times. There were many moments standing on a path between 2 shacks, standing in the middle of 10 little kids all wanting just a little smile, a gentle touch through a hug or wanting to share smile, that its hard to hold back the emotions. Many times last week, I just had to pause to soak it in. To take a moment and let God just push deep into my heart what was really taking place. There were times last week that I found myself just wanting to say - is this real? Am I really seeing this? Lord, thank you for the opportunity. Thank you for planting the seed to go and do something so amazing - to see people the way you see people.

I never thought I would experience God work in so many hearts, in so many ways, and reveal himself in such a perfect vision in all that took place last week.

The conversation with Lloyd Cole, Mr. Livingston, Ms Kennedy, the boy in the hospital with a broken leg who I gave a Bible to, Terry who took a head shot while playing football and at 34 is paralyzed waist down and has been in that hospital bed for 4 years. Never would I have believed Zach and Kate shine like they did and just blossom into the flower that God has created in them. Each of the sharing very personal testimonies in front of strangers at the beginning of the week but family by the end of the week. People now who I care deeply for and want to share my walk and journey with Christ. To keep them encouraged in all they do, to continue to show them Christ in their everyday life even if that means its through my blog, a text message or on facebook. God will provide that avenue however it looks like. I wont forget the girl who sang so beautifully at church Sunday who came to me after preaching and thanked me for my message and gave me a hug, wanting to ask a question from the book of John and me praying with her and he looking up at me asking when I would be back and me telling her I would be back as tears came to her eyes, I gave her my Bible that I used last week - a hug shared that seemed to last for eternity. I think about that eternity - I can smile at that because God smiles at that knowing we do have eternity together no matter that "Other side" is the other side of the world or the "other side" of this life.

We came to make a difference - we left making a difference but we took with us a vision and a heart that everything is different now. We left changed taking with us a clear vision of the hearts and joy that the people of Jamaica have even while life is hard, hope looks bleak and a future that has very little light.

Proverbs 27:19 - As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart.

As we go about plugging back into our lives, may our faces reflect our hearts, the joy we experienced through those awesome faces in Jamaica that we each got to share and experience. May our hearts reflect the heart of Jesus who we seek to be more and more like his. Lord help us reflect You in all we do, in all that we show people and with all the eagerness and tender mercy that you show us. May we continue to shine for your greater purpose for our lives and may we continue to pray for those hearts we touched last week. May we continue to support them in some way as we continue to strive for bigger things, heavenly things and keep our perspective on you and seeing people the way you do. Lord I pray for poppa JIm and momma Penie who have risked so much, who have sold their lives for the lives of others and for showing others Jesus to people in Jamaica- one heart at a time. We can't fix what is there and where the people are today but we can change the hearts of one or two and build a generation of change for your kingdom. 15 years building in Petersville - look at where that hard work has taken that community. Look at the fruit we get to share in and witness - Praise God for people like Jim and Penie who have answered the call to serve no matter what, no matter how, no matter when.

Team Jamaica - I love each of you - thank you for sharing your hearts, your lives, your walk and journey in Christ - what an honor it was to serve along side amazing people - who as one cant make much of a dent but together - made a huge impact for God to further His kingdom.

They say if you want to make a big impression, speak to a crowd; but if you want to make a big impact, speak to a person.

Last week we had many moments of team impression but in those small moments - we made such a huge impact together. Amazing what a group of folks can do sharing one vision, one purpose and as Bob Marley sang about - ONE LOVE.

For your Glory and honor Lord thank you for changing us - let us never forget those faces, those little heart moments, the tears shed, the words spoken and the unity we have in your family.

Love you all~


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