Monday, September 20, 2010

It has been a busy last 4-5 days. It has also been a bunch of days since my last thought post on "thewalk". I am sorry about that but I am forging ahead and hope that all is well. Last week I took my family and a bunch of student ministry students and their families to the county fair. $120 in about 30 minutes had me spent for the night. Atleast it was over quick but we all had a great time, laughing, people watching, riding, and seeing all the animals. Its such a great time together and the weather was great. I especially enjoy the smiles while the kids ride the rides and the excitment on their faces when petting the animals - some of which we have no idea what they are. Some kind of 4 legged creature with horns that wrap all around its head... I don't have a clue to these extreme animals... part city slicker you know.

Last Thursday I spent a 20 hour day with 2 of my Pastors from church attending a leadership conference. It was a well spent day and a day that left my head in mush. Meaning I just couldn't take one more thing in and at the end after Andy Stanley came on - I found myself wanting the band to come back out and rock out one more praise song and bring the house down for God. It was an amazing day for sure. Friday left me only on a few hours of sleep and I left early to have lunch with my wife and then the chair for a 5 hour nap. One of which I dreamed, which is really good sleep and that alone is amazing since I was in my chair in the LR. That means I was tired and give out. Saturday Kyle and I spent the day working on the pond and in the yard. Sunday church setup, leading in the Flood, leadership meeting, a visit to Kyles old school and seeing the teachers there with Morgan, Taylor and Zach, then Rock Group Sunday night. I am busy but its all good. There has to be some time in there for laughing, enjoying and just sitting back sometimes. I think those moments are few and far between but the last season of my life I think I am enjoying that time more even though I have less opportunity. I think in many ways Carol and I are moving forward on the same page - something that hasn't been since Kate came over a year ago. She is doing good in Utah and forging ahead of schedule in her therapy and plugging into life there. I am very proud of her and hope that she writes me back soon.

This is not just another Monday of Mondays in life. I am learning so many things that God is teaching me and leading me to understand. Even though I am not that smart and it takes me time to fully get it, I know that God does not give up on us and will continue to persue until that time comes where we step aside with our own agenda and excuses and get on with His ways and His plans. As I look around me today and see a host of folks who are struggling with something - I am seeing Christ more clearly in those things than I have in a very long time. My heart shows when talking with a student or a friend who is really having a hard time with something and through those tears, my heart breaks and I feel good knowing that the reason my heart breaks is because it is breaking Christ' heart. I am in tune and stepping forward in faith in that walk. During this painful season for some - it gives me a chance to be bolder for Christ. To pray big giant prayers and why not? I mean God is the master behind it all and no prayer is too big just as no prayer is too small. Why not pray for that dress, for that parking spot, for that talk with a friend, for that conversation with a student, - show Christs' heart through yours and be bold in your faith. There was something said last week by Pastor Furtick from Elevation church that has rocked my world and it was probably the most profound sentance of anything spoken at the conference. All of which was awesome and I couldnt take notes fast enough - "Sometimes we need someone elses faith until we can stand on our own." I have shared that a few times since last week. I am grateful for those words of wisdom and it makes me eager for God to fill my cup with the things of Him so that I can pour out and into others. I am eager for whatever God has me do this week. Skate night tonight and I am sure there will be a conversation that will take place this evening because I have placed it in Gods hands - "Use me Lord if You should call on someone." "I am here."

If you are struggling with something today friends, look past the problem and see Jesus in it. Don't use those things as an excuse that keeps you from stepping forward in faith and trust in Christ.

Acts 3:6 - Then Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus, get up and walk."



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