Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Snow ?

Wow - this has been a winter here in NC for sure. Being in the ice zone of NC (Charlotte) - we have seen more chances of snow this year than in my recent memory at least. It is pretty cool, I mean if its going to be cold enough for it... let it rip right? Groundhog or not...I am ready for spring - I am ready for cruise in 2 weeks. I am ready for a little too much sunburn on my face...I am ready for some blue crystal waters, some Kenny Chesney playing on my Ipod - a little down time with my bible and some time to hang with my closest people I am doing life with. Dude... I am ready ... but as in all good things... we must wait.
Today, I am pretty excited about a few things. First, last night was our Student ministry team meeting. I am always pumped after that meeting - and then Thursday headed to NewSpring for UNleash and all our student leaders are going and will come back changed! I am taking the van and they are loading in .... I can't wait for the music to be playing on the highways as well as the deep conversations as we talk about what God did to hearts and in our vision for His church and people.......
I think about Paul and Timothy and their relationship. I have been thinking about it for a few days now. See - I have this God thing burning a hole in my chest. My life is more about Him than anything else. It for sure is a season of growth for me the last few months. I have been challenged and also challenging at times. Its the only way to learn and grow and that is to be poured into and to pour out into someone else. I am very blessed to be poured into by my Pastors at church and other key people in my life. I hang on everything they say, everything they do and how they handle themselves. We are just people - souled out into the vision of the power, the saving grace and the love of Christ. We want to give others what we have experienced. Its simple really but hard as anything all in one. I am also blessed to have students and my LifeGroup families to pour into. Its during these seasons in our faith journey we really find out who is with you and who was just playing the part.
Today I am in 1 Timothy 4:12
12Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
This passage comes from the relationship between Paul and Timothy. Growing up Timothy had a mom and grandma teaching him about Jesus - and like so many dads today - His wasnt interested in faith either. Regardless, Timothy fell in love with Jesus and soon felt a pull in his life to teach. But problem was Timothy was timid. He was a shy person and wasnt very out spoken. Often times he wanted to speak up and speak his mind but found himself not doing so. He got nervous when he had to be in front of people. Paul asked him to teach and preach with him. Took him under his wing and provided a godly example for Timothy. Over time Timothy learned to be bold but never really got rid of his fear and timidness. A job opening came at another church and Paul sent Timothy to teach there and lead people. Paul continued to encourage him and mentor him through letters and visits. Today that might look like email, text messages or a flight in for a few days. God did not give us a spirit to be timid but a spirit of power, of love, and self-discipline. With the help of other followers of Christ, despite his fears, Timothy stood firm in who God created him to be.
We are all students in life. We are just in different age categories and in different places in our lives. Regardless, we will continue to be students - students in life, in our families, as leaders, in our walk with Christ. We will always continue to learn. We will always need someone to pour into us ..... encourage us, focus us, get on us when we are falling short - we also must have folks in our lives we pour into. Our children, trusted students in our lives, our husband or wife .... who ever they may be that you have influence with.
God has given us a unique position in this world. He has given us unique talents and gifts to use for greater purposes than maybe we find ourselves using today. Maybe we haven't even discovered them yet because we are still searching.
I have a close student that is near me today that is struggling. My heart breaks thinking about it because there is SOOO much potential there. Afraid to talk about bigger things other than middle school, selfishness has creeped in, friends influences - life is just like everyone else. That inner circle has become crowded with distractions and people that dont have the best interest at heart. They are young ..... regardless of age though - its a battle ground. A war to decide which way to go...the easy way and follow the crowd or the hard way and follow Jesus and maybe be alone or have a much smaller inner circle.
FIGHT! Yes life is a battle ground and age is nothing. Young/old - there is a battle taking place. A battle for your time, attention, calling and purpose in your life, for the things of Christ. Its time to put a stake in the ground and claim territory in your life. You are only as good as the people in your inner circle. Do they have the same goals in life, are they walking the same direction, have the same hope as you do? These battles that you are fighting have the potential to have a much greater impact for a much longer time on earth. Refuse to give up - especially because of your age - Dont give up any ground in your mind, your relationships, and not in your behavior.
We will always have a mentor because we will always be learning and someone or something will always be teaching us. Choose what or who you want that to be. Following Jesus is relational. Its a commitment and it takes a choice to grow your faith. I am thankful for the Paul's in my life and blessed for the Timothy's in my life that I get to pour into.
The choice is yours in who you will follow and who will lead you.
Your age has nothing to do with your faith. Shine on ...... The world will take notice and so will our King. You are needed in the battle.


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