Tuesday, September 8, 2009


For the short week ahead. Hey its Tuesday already! Cabin trip was great. Weather could not have been more perfect in the Carolina mountains on Saturday. We spent a few hours at the beach with some of the other local boaters - enjoying some stories, shared some laughs and getting to know everyone. The Beavers fit right in and enjoyed it as well. Jess is one of our local boys there and has a giant pontoon boat ... he is about the most raw person I have ever met. Audience of one for sure..... anyways - he is a hoot to listen to and the funny thing is - he told me that he could tell I was one of those good ol'baptist boys and his momma told him he shouldn't cuss like he does.... I wont say what he told her.
I had a moment this weekend while spending some quiet time thinking and praying... that even though people are close and you are really walking with them. I am thinking also the students in my life as well, my family and friends -people are going to do what ever it is they are going to do. They most of the time have their minds made up even if you know its not going to turn out well. Advice is something that I just want to have the words for when someone comes and spills what they have going on in life. I am learning though that sometimes the best advice is to just be there to listen. Sometimes the silence is the best advice and people don't always want to hear what we have to say ... they just want to say it. UNLOAD - and do whatever it is they are wanting to do.
Yesterday while waiting for Kate in the airport there was a little girl - about 2 or so - well past her nap time - that was pulling a pink luggage rolly and she was screaming, kicking and knocking over that bag. It was not cooperating and no matter what mom said to her -she was going to do it her way regardless. I was thinking ..... man - 2 years old they start this and even in the teen years we are the same way. People in our lives willing to walk with us, advise us, been through it already ..... and we still ignore what they want to share. We still do it our own way.........
When we stop putting our selfish ways first - above everyone else - and look at the needs and cares of others first.... we will have that little secret component in life that God wants us so badly to have. He came to serve others and He is an awesome example of that. Some people are born with this knowledge already in them ... I can see it even in my younger kids I am doing life with. Some have it and some don't. Where are you with that?
Are you doing things your way regardless of what people are trying to tell you?
God uses our tragedies in life to turn them into trophies of His grace.
Life is hard sometimes but in many cases... its of our own doing.
Thankful for the short week this week - its packed full but the weekend back at the cabin is in order and with some special people to go along with it. Can't wait......

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