Monday, June 1, 2009

Getting ready for the late afternoon~

I am thirsting for a cold coffee. Its finally warm here in the south as my niece from Tupper Lake NY left at the end of last week and what seemed like a month or rain and cold weather. We are back to normal temps here now and that just makes me smile - because feeling warm weather was tops on her list while she was with us. It just did not happen ..... tonight Carol and I are going to our middle school orientation. I always thought they would do that before school and not at the tale end of it... but who am I? - It is weird as we enter this next phase of life - ending our Elementary years and verturing into middle school years. Thus, a new set of challenges, struggles and yes - Victories! For many of "MyKids" they are already there and I am gaining experiences through them so that I can learn them and apply them to my other kids who are a few years behind.
Last night we had a great moment as a family. Kyle was very proud of himself as he should be! See, for the last 2 or so years he has been a good friend to one of our neighbors up the street. Z- is a year older than Kyle and already in middle school. Z- has some struggles and not many friends. Kyle really makes sure that he includes Z in a lot of his daily activities and in his circle of friends as well as the last month or so - to church. Yesterday - I was called out of K-5 and to the front of church at the 11:00 service and there in the baptismal tub was Z - up to his neck in water and giving his life to Christ. What a moment it was ... I had to pick my face up cause I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This awkward boy, with not many friends is now part of a huge family - a family at church who will teach him, love him and accept him. Kyle - you did good buddy by standing by your friend - showing him the practical love of Jesus - going to bat for him when others were picking on him and making fun of him ..... God is doing amazing things through you already. He has shown you some tough things in your young life already and those are things you have and will continue to learn from. I am so excited for what God is doing and will do.... for all of us ..... for those we are doing life with ... for your friends and your peeps.
Congrats to all those who professed their lives to Christ yesterday - God has really shown up the last 2 weeks with like 50 people coming forward. They all have a story - they all have had to start somewhere and now they all have a FUTURE ...... and God is in the plans!
God, You are so good......... just pumped about the things that God is doing all around me and also in me.

1 comment:

Greg Kesterson said...

It was an exciting moment. I just met him and the other new middle school boys during 252 small groups by introducing ourselves and getting to know each other in a fun laughable excercise ( Whole name, Favorite Ice Cream, School, Grade, and What bones have you broken... ). When we got to the last person ( who happen to be Z based on seat configurations ) Kyle ask me if we were going to Baptism. I ask why and he said that Z wanted to get baptized. Awesome... I said lets go. Then two other new MS boys told me they wanted to get baptized once we got it there. I was overwhelmed! It was a good day. The spirit was moving. You have a good young man there in Kyle., I'm excited to watch him grow and become the leader he will be in 252. You guys have done a great job with him. As my dad always says, He comes from good stock!