Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Why do I come to lunch and sit with the kids?"

That was the question that was asked of me today while having lunch with my son and a table full of his friends and classmates. I do this every Thursday at this school and it is the highlight of my week. I am at a different school on Tuesdays having lunch with another one of "MyKids" and have been doing that for 2 years now. You would expect that question to come from an adult, a teacher or a parent but it was asked by one of my sons friends. See the reason is, she has never had a visitor to come and have lunch with her. There has never been a time for her to feel special when someone comes and has lunch with her and getting to sit at the big table with other "special" kids. Never the focal point of questions of (who is that?) from the other kids. A few weeks back she had something on her mind and asked a BIG question that quieted the entire table. A parent thanked me for my answer and I was flippin pumped about that!

So back to the question. "Why do I come to lunch and sit with the kids?" I do that because I feel it on my heart to invest in these kids. Its simple and I dont bring lunch because I don't want my attention to be on food but on them. I do bring smiles and encouragement. I bring reminders to laugh and study hard. I bring words that encourage good decisions. I bring relationship values and fatherly figures to those who need it. I bring honesty and dedication by showing up each week. I bring that little something that these kids are missing. I bring friendship and someone if they need to talk to - they can. More importanlty, I bring Jesus with me. It is in His name that I pray every single time out in the parking lot before I walk into the school that the kids that I am in contact with are well today, their home life and family is well, things at home are good, their teachers are having a good day and that they see Jesus in me. The last few years I have got to know some great kids, made some great friendships, and have got to know some awesome families. It is still weird for me to be introduced sometimes as their Sunday School Teacher - but that is what I am for some and I sometimes can't believe that God is using me this way because I never knew it was in me. I never knew I had this desire to make a difference with these kids.

I come to have lunch and sit with the kids because I know in my heart God asked me to do this and it is for the kids. I can say this though, if ever I am in a bad mood or something has me down or I am not feeling good - I go to the school anyways and just being there with them, I forget all that was bothering me and many times I walk out feeling good. Its an honor to serve them in such a small way. But in the big picture.... it is not so small.

That is why I come to lunch and sit with my son and "MyKids". I thank the Lord every day for them and for God opening my eyes and my heart to something I never knew I had.

Psalm 37:4-5
4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.
5 Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.

Humbled today and very blessed,

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