Friday, October 3, 2008

A couple of thoughts for a Friday~

Friday morning..... what a week it has been. Had a great lunch yesterday with Kyle @school - got to sit with a bunch of his peeps, Marissa and Carol M. I just love them! Got to see lots of my 3rd grade kids from last year which is way cool~ Things seem to be a little more relaxed at school this year compared to last year - I am big time thankful for that. Keep up that copying Carol for 5th grade!~
I love this time of year with the cool evenings and mornings, sleeping with the windows open and no humidity! Leaves will be turning soon and I am SO looking forward to some down time at the cabin. The best outdoor days are spent up there on that mountain. At Lake Adger there have been a few reports of our bobcat in the area. It is always cool to hear the CAT doing its call... it has been a few years since we have heard one and one that you would never forget once you hear it. We have some good friends who have the cabin this weekend and hope they are enjoying our little piece of heaven.
I love it when there is a rumble amongst my peeps. The book - "Have a new kid by Friday" is sweeping through our rock group. It is awesome hearing the stories of change that is taking place in our families and especially in our kids! It just shows us even more that we are all on the same team, we are in this parenting thing together and yes ---- it takes a ROCK GROUP (village) to raise kids these days! Keep up the learning rock group peeps...... proud of us!
Last night was the VP debate. Nobody really wins with those things and I just couldn't be a debate person. I would just fly off the handle and have to just have the smack down right there. I just don't do well with it all - especially with 2 different views on looking at the same thing and both folks thinking their way is best. Here on campus this place is full of political views and they go to the extreme with things in the office, stuff hanging on doors, you would just not believe it! I have had to ask people to leave my office because they get all red faced and harsh just because I have a Bush picture on my book shelf. Hey, its a cool picture and the President signed it and it has my name on it! Hey thats cool!!!! Well no matter what people say, everyone has their right to an opinion and we have to be respectful no matter what - even if folks don't agree with each other. I walked in this morning to the office and the first thing I see missing in our department window is our McCain/Palin sticker we had. That really ticked me off..... how can someone take something that doesn't belong to them? - especially with all the political stuff around here. It is just rude for someone to come into our office for IT help, look around and then sneak it off the window and throw it in the trash ...yes its caught on video....... yes I know who it is...... that is really upsetting. Suggestions on how to handle it from here?

I am currently in the middle of the next book I am reading. The Shack - it is blowing me away and can't wait till tonight to get back in it. Carol was making fun of me the other night because I am reading, writing and taking down notes...... she said - "Look at you, you can't even read a book without taking notes to pass along to others". Yup - thats me........ so here it is.... some of the things I am learning as I read this book - open my bible and read more on the subject and then reading some more.....
~ God wants us to keep from falling back to our religious conditioning
~ Life takes a bit of time and a LOT of relationship
~ Freedom is a process that happens inside of a relationship with Jesus
~ LOVE ALWAYS LEAVES A SIGNIFICANT MARK - I really love that one.....!
~ When all we can see is our pain, we lose sight of God
~ We often are looking for the WOW affect when looking for God but he often shows himself in the small things and we miss the sweetness and softness of Him
~ Jesus would have died on the cross just for YOU - but he didn't - it was for everyone
~ Life is not about winning and losing, its about loving and respecting
~ Relationships are never about power, they are about choosing to limit oneself to serving
~ Sin is its own punishment, devouring us from the inside

Looking forward to a great wedding tomorrow with Brandon and April and church on Sunday! I am in Sunday school at 11:00 and hoping for lots of "MyKids" being there - which means their parents are hearing about Jesus in the service! I am also pumped about our new Rock Group series "WHY" starting Sunday night - its DVD base and its a new style for me leading and for us learning ..... so hope it really takes hold in a big way! I feel cheated not having to dig in and go deep to put something together!
Have a great Friday everyone......
Peace out~

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