Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Normal Tuesday ...

I want to share 2 things today ~

Mondays are mostly such a tough day for me. I am usually drained from Sunday. With getting up early, serving setup, serving in Sunday School and serving breakdown... its a long day before I get home to be with my family. Last Sunday I came home after a stressful morning with some folks not showing to serve - I sat down in my chair and both Carol and I - passed out in the LR for like 2 hours. THAT I tell you - NEVER happens. Carol is in the same position where there is just not enough folks serving to make it easier on everyone who is. I heard last week the 20-80 ratio. 20% of the people do 80% of the work. How true that is.... what can I do to get those numbers to change? why couldn't it be 40%-60%? Man would that be nice. I do know that when I got home Sunday - I questioned myself - Why? Why am I doing all this? Why do I feel the weight of all this on my shoulders? This week, God has told me that serving Him wouldn't be easy. That sometimes we feel like quiting but quiting is not an option. I then remembered my mom - She used to say - Quitters never win and winners never quit. Serving the Lord and serving my church, the many friends we have there and the people who come through our doors who don't know Jesus - is a blessing....and a privilege. Serving others should be always in our hearts and minds.... looking for opportunities..... God revealed to me this week in my quiet times... even though they have been short this week - that He does want to use us to shine for others but more importantly He wants to change us.... We are His main focus and once we are changed and we see Him in everything - then God can use us to serve others.

Secondly, Today was my last lunch at Harrisburg elementary for the year. Kyles class was mostly dressed as Pirates and I have to say - there were some good costumes! Check Carol's blog if you want to see Kyle this morning - pretty fun I have to say! Anyways, I got to say good bye to some good kids today. Some I will see over the summer and some I will see next year but some I probably wont see again because they will be moving or going to a different school next year. It was sad but I have to reflect on the year as being a great year! I fully enjoyed getting to know lots of the kids, sharing smiles and really getting down on their level and walk besides them. I thanked each of Kyles classmates today for letting me to get to know them and to have a great summer. I told them I would see them next year at school and I got some special hugs and high fives today. I really do believe with all my heart that my investment and determination does make a big difference in some of the children. I let a few of them know that I have prayed for them and their families all year and that is always a sweet thing to share. I thought Kyle was going to cry when he told me he would miss me coming in to have lunch today.... as I almost did too.
2 more schools to visit this week - then 5th grade graduation on Monday morning..... God handed me such an incredible thing with this ministry that He has given me and the blessings - well, I just can't believe them.......

Happy birthday Sarah! Today she asked me to help handout cupcakes to her class - that was an pretty cool...... cya Sunday for our last Sunday school class together before moving up! Another sad milestone ahead....... But its all for Gods glory.

May He receive all the praise!!
Love ya'll,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lonnie ~~

Normal? No days have seemed Normal in the past couple of weeks. We've been going in a million different directions, so that now I can't remember when we all ate a home-cooked meal @ home. I realize that is the story with so many families these days. However, we've really tried to do the 'family thing' at least 4 nights per week ~~ not happening.

I'm really just @ a loss tonite, with so much going on. I don't understand why the SAME people are always stepping up to serve @ school and church. WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE? I love HES, but I'm really tired.!!! Why doesn't anyone else help with Field Day or AR parties???? Why do the same people always get called upon. We get to the 11th hour and an URGENT call for volunteers goes out...and it is the same people. Does anyone else see the value in SERVICE?????????? There are 1,100 kids @ HES ~~ and the same 20 or so parents are all we got. What's wrong with this picture?

It's been the same @ church. Why don't more people step up? Like we have hundreds of people and we are running "with a minimal crew" every week.

You and I know the value the serving, but physically, we cannot keep up this pace. We both have full-time jobs. We've not had a regular Sunday off in who knows when. If we don't step back, I'm afraid we will be in the "burn-out" fast-lane, headed for a crash landing.

I'm doing my best to keep the devil from dragging me down, and I know we both have to "snap" each other out of that mindset from time to time.

No one ever said serving the Lord would be easy. We just can't get to the point of exhaustion, and I've never felt so exhausted as I have this week. Just plain tired - and that's not right. We need a plan to recoup and recover..!

Love you ~~ Carol