Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Today ....

I have to tell you that I am doing something today that I have not done in a very long time. I mean since I was a kid. It is harder than I thought it would be but I am determined to make it to the finish line 5:30 this evening. It was something that God has placed on my heart awhile back and I have thought about and brushed it off and then God would nudge me again and decided to learn more about and the reason behind it all. More to follow tomorrow~

Tonight I am headed to see Miss Lexi at her soccer game. Something I have wanted to do for weeks now. American Idol last night had another mention of God front and center in one of the songs. I think Brooke sang that song - I don't follow it as closely as Carol and Kyle do.
I had lunch with Kyle and few of "MyKids" - it was a great lunch! Kyle has a friend from his class last year that we have kept close with - Madison B. - she is coming over tomorrow and going to Kyles guitar practice at the church office. She is SOOOO excited - she is bringing her guitar and will sit in on the lesson with Brandon. The kids just love him - and Madison is just besides herself .... we are then going to go out to eat and then sneak in some icecream at Grampy's .... I love their MOOSE TRACKS so expect me to be getting on that big time. Really looking forward to tomorrow .....

Anyways - thank you all for your prayers for my cousin Patty. Her sister Beth called me this afternoon and the surgery went well. They will be keeping her tonight so I will call her later this evening and check on her. Let her rest and let some of the pain meds wear off a little - she might be cursing me out or something right sis???? Guess it would be hard to be throwing the hospital phone! :) - Hey I have to pick at ya ... I love ya!

Praying the Lord leads me on my Rock Group and the families that He has placed in my care. Wish we had a wednesday evening church service .... that is something I am really looking forward to once our church has a building.


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