Friday, February 15, 2008

A moment to be thankful

My dad had his biopsy this week because his prostate levels were up. Scared that the word would come back as the "C" word - he asked for prayers and thought about his options if he it did come back as the "C" word or not. I asked many around me to pray about this test - woke the other morning in prayer even if it was 4 in the morning - and my dad called me this afternoon with relief in his voice. All is ok and tests came back with normal results.
Just this week my buddy and Rock Group member Mike - asked for prayers for his mom because of a test on her breast that did not look right. All tests came back ok and again - God provided some good during a bad time. I have said many times before that my thoughts are not mountains - with peaks and valleys - good and bad - but more of a train track. Things going on in life that are bad and good taking place at the same time. God does not bring us to the mountain peak and then bring us through a valley. Life comes good and bad - and with Him - we manage to make the best of both rails.
I am thankful for my dads tests - for Mike's moms test - we still need good news for Walt and for my buddy Joe Bagley - life on the tracks goes both ways ..... Let God keep us in perspective and move us to a place of thankfulness!

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