Saturday, January 26, 2008

Discipline ~ A tough thing

Yes Discipline is a tough topic when dealing with our children. So many factors come into play when we discipline our children. But God has given us some things to go by.

Ephesians 6:4
4Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.

- Fathers are commanded to train up their children with godly nurture and discipline. A few months ago I lead a Rock Group series on ParentHood. It was a great lesson and as I studied and learned about what God had to say about ParentHood - Discipline was a tough subject. One of the things I took away from that series was - discipline NOT in anger. I have found myself on a few occasions coming down on my son when I was mad, caught up in the moment, maybe taking my voice up too loud, my punishment too hard and then feeling bad afterwards.
I can remember my dads method of discipline - sometimes it was right in the moment and sometimes it was when he got home after my momma would say - "just wait till your dad gets home!" I can remember those infamous words "This is going to hurt me, more than it hurts you" - I always thought my dad was nuts for saying something like that but I now understand. It is hard to discipline our children. One thing that I make sure I do now is to make sure I am not angry - I tell myself to have a cool off period and think things through before the judgement comes down. I have always told Kyle that lessons are learned and sometimes cannot be taught. Carol and I are very lucky to have a great son and we have not had to discipline him all that much. But we also have to remind him where the line is and what is acceptable and what is not.

We have to let our children get caught sometimes and suffer the punishment with mom and dad not being their to rescue them. Lessons learned now when they are young make for smaller mistakes when they are grown.

Always remember to love your child even during discipline - to let them know that they messed up but its ok - mistakes are a part of life. Forgive them and say not another word. Too many parents continue to bring the subject up, continue to remind them over and over again only to bring resentment and hard feelings between everyone. We want to pull our children in just like our Heavenly Father does instead of pushing them away.

Discipline in love~


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