Thursday, November 8, 2007

To continue my post from last night~ Over the last year or so, I often people watch when we are out to eat or at the mall. When my family and I go out to eat I try to always get my backside against the wall so that I may be able to look out and see folks or see outside and see the folks going about their lives. I don't do this because the company if boring - but many times it leads in the conversations. Just like yesterday while being at the hospital with all kinds of people there, different backgrounds, income status, insurance - no insurance, from different countries etc. I just find all this interesting and I wonder about people and who they are, what are they hung up on in life, do they have children and do they know Jesus.
I guess since the Lord has given me so much grace and compassion - how can I not extend that to those around me. Coming from such an awesome experience getting to know who Jesus is and what He has taught me - the last two years really places me to be compassionate for others - to not judge others for where they are in life or how they got to where they are - for the hurting folks not only going about my daily walk but also for the folks who are right next to me and doing life with me. I really care for them and want to help carry their burdens and baggage and maybe along the way, look for opportunities to help in some way however small it may be. I do want to make a difference in the short time I have on this earth. How can I make the biggest impact?
I know there are a few folks in my life right now who are really hurting. I mean hurting in relationships, joblessness and children letting them down, an affair that has taken place - so many hurts and I just wish that instead of the continued talks, the continued prayers for some of these folks - I just wish they would come to church! Take me up on my thousands of offers to come ... make a new Sunday morning routine already and come in - that is why there are 2 services - just for you early folks and those who want to wake up- get coffee- read a little of the paper and then come at 11. How much more convenient do you need it? People are dying right now - killed by their governments because of their faith or their cross hanging on their neck. I am also talking to the folks who have families and they are not leading. They are letting their families be influenced by the media and the ways of this culture instead of grounding their families faith and beliefs into something real and lasting.
I won't tire of the inviting - I will continue to look for opportunities to share what Jesus has done for me. What is the best example of sharing our faith with someone but by sharing what Jesus has done for us? We don't need to be able to blast out scripture or bible verses or have all the answers to every single question or problem. We just have to be real and let the folks around us see us for who we really are and where our trust is. God will handle the rest - just plant the seed and move on.
I have had a hard time with this lesson - I do need to be reminded from time to time this lesson because I am just like a child and God is being consistent in His teaching with us. Teaching with consistency, discipline with love and pulling us close when we are hurting.

What more could we ask for?

Matthew 9:35
35 Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

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