Monday, June 30, 2008 a stop~

For the first time I think in my life - A week of vacation - I am not ready to be back at work yet. I did unplug from the email, phone, staying in touch, reading blogs etc.... and I think that is good to do from time to time. I met Carol at lunch time to return the rental truck and on my way across campus - I thought to myself - I am tired. I could easily just lay down right here in the sidewalk and go to sleep. Who cares if people have to step over me.
This afternoon I headed across campus again and to the post office. I wanted to mail a little package I have since school let out. In it is one of "MyKids" birthday presents. I had not seen her since school let out and yesterday during church she came in and came running over and jumped into my arms with a great big smile and a big hug. It really did make my day. It was great being in church, it was great singing and hearing Gods word through Pastor Jimmy, it was great getting to see some folks that my family and I are doing life with - it was just great being in a place to refresh and gain some strength back and to be encouraged about what is ahead.
God can do that for people - God can lift us up and get us out of the pit we all are in. Carol, Kyle, Bob and Katie have been living in this hard place since Walt fell last summer - 2 years before that a giant pit with my mom passing - losing an uncle in between due to a heart attack. It has been a tough pit but I do believe that God uses these hard times to grow us closer to Him. Before I left for NY - I put some things together to lead our Rock Group and I am just touching on this subject now and I can't wait to share that with them - but it really does hit home in a big way.
God is in the business of taking people right where they are and in their current condition and He still uses them!
I walked that package across campus, even in the heat and not feeling like it, I did it because I know it will bring such a big smile tomorrow when "MyKid" opens her birthday present. God will bless that and even as I continue to pray for Katie and for her dad - for their salvation and to grow closer to God during this hard pit they are in - I know I have to plant a seed. Last week I shared some time with Katie and opened the door about God, gave her a bible and asked that she read it and challange me with questions as I too challenge her. I am asking big time for God to bless this time and grow that seed. This is refreshing me as I focus on others ... Its Gods way and I am blessed to know this.....
Proverbs 11:25 - “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed”
I am going to pray hard on this passage this week. If you too are in need of refreshing - would you too, pray and focus your hearts and minds on this passage? What can we do each day this week for someone? How can we be a blessing to others? What you sow, you shall reap. When you refresh others, you yourself will be refreshed. That word “refresh” means to restore or revive. When you reach out to others to restore them or offer strength to them, you are planting seeds for your own future.

Heavenly Father, Lord thank You for this day. Thank You for blessing me so that I may bless others. Lord I pray that I am an encouragement and a blessing for someone today even if I am worn down and in need of refreshing. I know You alone will refresh me and bring me to a higher place than where I was. Lord thank You for loving me and for giving me a heart to love others - its all for Your glory and honor.
I pray in Your sons name in Jesus,

Saturday, June 28, 2008


The plane has landed!!! Yesterday brought Carol and Kyle a journey to remember. A delayed flight in Albany NY - finally landing in Newark NJ - boarded plane and then stuck for 5 hours on the runway. Cell phone charger in baggage, battery about dead. No food or water - they cancel the flight and let everyone off. Folks stuggle to get in line to find the next way OUT. Carol books a flight home for today at 5:30 knowing that flying in the south is risky during the summer months. Carol and Kyle stay at friends house and Kyle is sick - poor fella is puking and its hot in NJ as it is here in NC - no AC!
Day begins with Kyle still in the bathroom - crackers and fluids gets him back on track. Arrive early at the airport - again have to be in a place that is like no other... Flight delayed .... 1 hour 22 minutes later - they take off and land here in Charlotte NC - 8 minutes ahead of schedule.
Baggage, drive home and the week will FINALLY be complete.

Its a story to look back on - a chapter to close and more to look forward to.

I had a busy day today - unloading the rental truck, cutting the grass, BJ's run to get something for the fridge - worked in the garden and had time for a dip in the pool - a few innings of the Mets .... and its great to be in the south. Tree frogs, thunderstorms, humid and hot and hearing Morgan and Donna talk that SWEET southern talk .... its good to be home.

Today is Denise's birthday. She would have been 42 today. I know I am not the only one today missing her. This year has been a tough one but through Gods grace and love - we will forge ahead with great expectation knowing that God is in control and all things work through Him.

Today is a day that the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Gods blessings and looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.

Almost there....

Wow - what a week. I have never wanted to get home so badly. I got in last night with the big rental truck in time to get the dogs who spent the week at the kennel. They have been asleep since! Carol and Kyle left Tupper Lake NY yesterday morning to go to Albany NY to catch their flight - delayed - finally get to Newark NJ for their connection flight - had to go to a different terminal so had to redo security and take the tram to the other side of the airport. They arrive with 5 minutes to spare. Board plane and then taxi out to the runway. 5 hours later they still sit. They said a computer went down that took care of all air travel heading south so they couldn't fly. They get off the plane and are scheduled for an evening flight tonight. Continued prayers - they are calling for heavy thunderstorms in the Charlotte NC area tonight. They stayed with Carols friend Karen last night so I hope they got to unwind a little and make the most of it.

This past week was a hard week. It took 40 years to put stuff in Walts house and 4 - 12 hour days bustin hump to clean it all out. Our big highlights of the week - 5 dump runs with a pickup truck - our heaviest load of 850 pounds, refridgerators are heavy -it stayed in the basement, people are reluctant to take anything- we threw out way too much good stuff, we found a box of pictures and spent a few evenings making photo albums for folks and Bob and Kaity spending 5 hours on the deck getting eaten by every Adirondeck bug! After 12 hours of traveling from Charlotte NC to Tupper Lake NY - we finally broke out a basement window and sent Kyle in to unlock the doors. It was great getting to see Jenn and her son Owen - it was great seeing Debbie, Bobs first wife and he daughter Valerie ... It was great seeing Brent, Debs husband who let us borrow his truck - and as always it was great seeing Aunt Violet.

Wed evening I got my chance to talk with Katie. I had some good things to share with her and some things that were really heavy on my heart. I did my best to plant a seed and will continue to pray hard for her and for Bob. A lot of mending took place last week and for that - I am grateful. Proud of you Bob!

Well, I will keep everyone posted on Carol and Kyle ~ Time to get the truck unloaded and get motivated. 93 today and glad about that..... I am home and missing my family- Carol and Kyle, My Rock Group and our church family. Looking forward to church tomorrow ......

Psalm 23
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Love you all and I pray that we all have our eyes on the Lord today.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Something good from something bad

I wanted to share a picture this morning - my 2 nieces. Jennifer and Kaity. This picture was taken outside of the funeral home last week. Their relationship as sisters have not been that close over the years but from something bad (Denise passing) - something good comes from it. A rekindled relationship - I hope this coming week they get to spend some quality time together. It's one of the few parts of this trip to Tupper Lake NY that I am looking forward to. May this week begin the rebuilding process. Please keep Jenn and Kaity in your prayers!
See everyone next week....!
Gods Best~

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Some shared Stats....

I wanted to share some stats before I left - they are pretty interesting and honestly - I am blown away by how many folks read "The Walk" and where they are from. It just shows people care about Jesus! Here are some of last month stats. Thanks for reading, encouraging me with your emails and comments and may God bless you and your families.

United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand

863 Pageviews
Monday, May 19, 2008
2.43% (21)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
4.98% (43)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
3.71% (32)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
2.43% (21)
Friday, May 23, 2008
2.20% (19)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
0.93% (8)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
0.46% (4)
Monday, May 26, 2008
1.16% (10)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
4.17% (36)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
5.21% (45)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
2.32% (20)
Friday, May 30, 2008
3.13% (27)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
1.74% (15)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
1.39% (12)
Monday, June 2, 2008
7.88% (68)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
4.52% (39)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
3.82% (33)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
3.59% (31)
Friday, June 6, 2008
3.71% (32)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
1.97% (17)
Sunday, June 8, 2008
1.85% (16)
Monday, June 9, 2008
3.48% (30)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
2.90% (25)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
3.01% (26)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
3.36% (29)
Friday, June 13, 2008
7.18% (62)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
2.90% (25)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
1.97% (17)
Monday, June 16, 2008
4.29% (37)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
3.24% (28)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
4.06% (35)
It is hard to believe its Thursday already. Seems this week has just been a blur even though it has been totally filled with just awesome things and time spent with awesome people. A few nights ago, Donna, Taylor and Morgan came over to spend some time at the pool. After work that day I dropped by the local Christian book store to get something that would help me hit home my talk with Kaity next week and God told me to do something additional while in the store. I have learned over the last few years to go with what God asks me to do and not question Him - even if its in a store. So - Taylor is headed to her mission trip next week with her original church home (her family has been going to R2C2 now for months but still has ties to their old church) and she needed a small compact bible. Her sister Morgan got one presented to her on Sunday for her promotion to our Student Ministry -Project 252- so it was only fair.
So as instructed - I got her a bible and wrote something in it and sharing that story this week with them was just way too cool and such a special moment. Last night we got to spend time with our dear friends - the Beavers & Brewers. We had such a great evening and did not get home until 10:00 last night. Hopefully tonight Taylor and Morgan will be over again as mom attends our womens bible study at church and Carol has a full plate with Madison, Dannielle and Browdy over this afternoon and hopefully tomorrow we get to have some time with the Lucas family. Saturday we head out to Tupper Lake NY and begin to close down Walts house for the week. I am in many ways looking forward to this family time and a time for healing for our family. There is a church in Saranac Lake NY that will not be open yet and I was really hoping to attend on Sunday morning but its a church that is on an island - no power or running water - you have to take a boat to get to it and this little white church on this island is just amazing from what Aunt Violet has told us. In many ways - it would be like the church of the old days. No fancy video or cool band - just a simple place to come together as "One" and worship our Lord.
The last few days of thinking about this little church on an island - has me thinking about churches in America and how we are say 300 years old. Churches elsewhere in the world are much older and are probably different than what we are used to here in the U.S. Folks today are still being killed in parts of the world for their faith. They are being put in jails and Pastors are being killed or churches burned to the ground. At church this week the title of our message was - God make us Dangerous. If folks are standing up, willing to die for their faith in other parts of the world - why wouldn't that be different here? Lets put it more simply.
The court system here is all about justice. Imagine standing before the court and you are up on charges. Charged for being a Christian. Does your life reflect that? Would your family members come to court and testify for you? Your coworkers?
What would they say about you? Would they say that you were totally sold out on Jesus? That you would do almost anything short of sin to reach people for Christ? Would you charge Hell with a water pistol all in the name of Jesus? Does your life reflect the practical love of Jesus? Are you leading your family and loving the children in your life that you have responsibility for?
Would you be convicted or let the fancy lawyer get you off?

We all will have that opportunity where we will stand before all mighty God and His decision will be - Eternal damnation and torment in Hell forever or a free gift that was paid by Jesus himself for your entry into heaven. There is no resume to hand to God - see what I have done, see what I can bring to Heaven because of my whatever... it will be based on where your heart is and it will have to be His. Put your trust in Jesus ~

No email, phone or contact for week starting on Saturday. I am kind of looking forward to it. It will be weird - I will miss talking with everyone and checking in. I pray God uses this time of quietness as a learning experience.
Have a good week everyone - Love you all,
Gods blessings,

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Territory.....

For some, this may be old news or as you read this it might bring some struggles of the past with your teenagers but let me tell you the last week or so - I have been learning more about myspace than I ever wanted to know.
A week ago and all the time leading up to having to learn about myspace, until my neice who is 14 put something on her account that caught the eye of her aunt - I had no use for it. ZERO.
Basically - after learning about it and going into some details - I still have zero use for it.
For a place for mostly teens to share web space - pictures - email - chats - music and other such stuff that might be really important to teenagers ... there is not a parent that will not have to learn about this sooner or later. Being 14 and a girl ... perception is so vitally important even if at 14 you see the good in all people and all things are harmless and everyone else is doing it. But that doesnt make it right. I have parents around me who have teenagers and God BLESS you all - especially the parents with young teenage girls. Why do I need 1184 friends who I have no clue who they are - or who they really are?
My son is 10 and all boy ... he basically has no use for this stuff yet & for email but those times will soon change and as a parent we have to be ready to face this techno age - chat and instant message age because we dont know what creep will be either at our door step or our child going to a strangers doorstep. You hear about things everyday on the news..... and even in our small towns.
For parents - it is our duty to watch over our children - to monitor what takes place in our homes - to steer our kids to good friends and to pray our faces off for them - to lead them by example and to love them unconditionally. If that means deleting the myspace account, removal of text messaging, taking the cell phones, having ground rules for internet access until like 8pm at night and for only 2 hours a day, placing the computer in a place in the home where its not hidden and if they have to close down 20 screens/windows when you walk by - you better ask questions because they are hiding something! Youtube needs to have parental controls or atleast filtered for age appropriate things but no matter what technology we put in place - Parental involvement is the best solution.

I am not sure why I have this on me today - maybe because it is a conversation that I am going to have to have with my neice next week. Maybe because I needed to learn more about this subject before my son is there. I do know after being on some myspaces pages there would be some angry parents out there if they ever knew their son or daughter were doing/saying/posing/cussing and other such things.
Did you know that even to be a teacher these days - reference checks are done on these web domains to really check out their potentional hires? Some refuse to hire if their teachers have a myspace of facebook account. What if, the things we have on line right now - on all our computers, files, web pages etc... were made public? If there is something embarrasing - then maybe you need to delete it.

Here is a website to help you learn a little IM lingo -
lol - lots of love or laugh out loud
411 - info
kpc -keep parents clueless
pos - parent over shoulder
420 - marijuana
gtg - got to go
bfn - by for now

this is REALLY the basics and I guess by now is "Old School" - I have never sent a text message nor do I have any desire to do so at least at this time. Kyle asked Carol and I a few weeks for a cell phone - we gave him walkie talkies for when he is out at the neighbors or down at the creek. 10 years old? Cell phone? LOL
anyways - why can't we just pick up the phone anymore and talk to the person we want to talk to? Email is good still right? Or better yet - face to face and personal?

New territory for me and at some point - it will be for you also.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My morning time with God....

Sorry for the delay on this post. Last night after Kyle's VBS with his friends, Carol and I going to see the Madison's swim meet, walking the dogs and a dip in the pool - it was almost 10:00 before we settled in for the evening. Last night was just an ok night of sleep and 6:00am this morning I was excited to have my coffee on the deck and spend time with God. I again read what God revealed to me yesterday and I spent some more time reflecting on what those words mean and what God wants me to do with it. So, let me begin. In my bible, which was given to me my a dear friend - Tiffany Carroll - there in the book of Luke is a story written by John Crawford.

Do It Now!
There is a fine art to being available to a youngster who might want to talk to you about what has been troubling her. Of course, she has to know that you love and value her. Otherwise she could not afford to tell you how she really feels about anything important. We rarely confide in anyone we think may not truly care about us. Neither do most of us open up to people who pry. Communication flows most freely when children and parents feel safe and secure with one another.
Teenagers as well as younger children often need to be able to spill out deeper anxieties and fears. Without safety valves, emotional tensions can rise to such levels that something has to go. Our children are no different from the rest of us in this need. The right words and conversations not only can ventilate the mind and heart and diminish neurotic fear and anguish of the spirit, but also can mend and heal.
Pleasant and relaxing excursions with her father can let a girl see what intelligent, mature men really are like. Every girl needs a father she can talk to, argue with, race at a picnic, play ball with in the cool of the evenings, hug and kiss. These things are worth doing even if you have to make room in your time schedule. She is growing up just as swiftly as you are adding years to yourself. Waiting until next year or the year after that will find her older and that much less inclined to walk or swim or go to the concert with you. Out of these experiences come the kind of deep mutual and personal ties with understanding that heave kept thousands of girls right minded and trustworthy about sex, even in a world where morals and ethics sometimes seem extinct.

I wonder why John Crawford used a girl in his writing? I think it perfectly fits for my niece Kaity and her relationship with her father. It perfectly fits in what I needed to know and be reminded of today. It perfectly fits into where my family is with this and honestly - this is such huge encouragement. The hardest thing about all that has happened the last week is to remind ourselves to focus on God and His bigger and perfect plan - even if now we do not see it. I think about all the kids I know and who I invest my time and energy with who don't have a great relationship with their dads or even those who do have a great relationship with their dads - I play a role as extra reinforcement. In many little ways, I value the fact that I am doing my part to be a good male role model for them and to show them the love of Jesus above all else.
I am reminded of:
Proverbs 15
God Doesn't Miss a Thing 1 A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire. 2 Knowledge flows like spring water from the wise; fools are leaky faucets, dripping nonsense. 3 God doesn't miss a thing— he's alert to good and evil alike. 4 Kind words heal and help; cutting words wound and maim. 5 Moral dropouts won't listen to their elders; welcoming correction is a mark of good sense.

I pray this has been an encouragement to someone because it has for me. I continue to be in prayer for next week while Carol, Kyle and I travel to Tupper Lake NY. A time for family to be together and heal - to comfort each other and for me to have a good talk with my niece who I love very much and my heart breaks for her. I too know the pain of losing a mom and because of that - I can help in the healing because - I have been there and I understand.

Love you all ~

Monday, June 16, 2008

A new week.....

Well, its the start of a new week today. I hope everyone had a great fathers day. Mine was low key - I decided to skip on serving at church and go to church as a family because that was needed after the weeks events. Saturday I mustered to get the schedule out and honestly - that was hard enough. Church was good even though it was kind of weird not being there early and serving - seeing everyone and being with the K-5 ministry but I am just spent. Last night after weeks of inviting folks to come to fathers day at the ball park - only 2 families came and I was thankful for them. We got to see some great baseball and got a chance after the game to run the bases with our kids. My dad came and also spent the night so that was good seeing him on Fathers day. The past few months he has really made some progress on inventing "HimSelf" again because so much of him was lost when mom passed. I know in many ways, Bob will also be doing the same thing. I am praying hard for Bob and Kaity and just feel like our place right now is with them. I am glad we will see them this coming weekend for the week - while cleaning out Carol and Bobs dads house in Tupper Lake NY. It was meant to be a vacation with our families together - our last time probably in that house with so many good memories but things have changed with Denise not going to be there. BUT, we will make the best of it and really try and have some fun while working. I do think with all that is going on that I don't want this summer to pass by and us not actually having a vacation or some time away. Carol and I are both stressed by folks serving at church being gone and out particular sundays and those empty slots still have to be filled by someone and that usually falls on us.
I was hesitant to come to work today being that I am just not ready to talk to people about things. Our secretary came down this morning and shut the door on me and sai. "Lonnie, you and your family have been through a lot and if you are not ready to talk to people just yet , you keep this door closed and you ease into things - you will know when its time." - She gave me that advise when my mom passed and I remember it as clear as anything ... good advise and I love her for it. I came back in from lunch today and there was a card on my desk signed by lots of folks and a gift card in there to get a couple meals. That means so much and had me in tears. Funny thing is - the card is for a place to eat where I couldn't send the card to Bob and Kaity because there is no place there - they knew I would pass it along because that is the kind of person I am.
After a few days just trying to get my thoughts together - I really reflected this morning on Pastor Jimm's LifeTalk yesterday at church. Our One Prayer series has started and I have missed the first week - but week 2 was pretty awesome. Lord, Make us Dangerous was the title.
I went to Luke this morning and I will blog what I read in a little bit. Dont want to make this entry too long.
Tonight Kyle has VBS with his friends Danielle and David. Kyle really like Danielle and I am glad because they are good kids and have a great family. I have said this a few times this week while dealing with Kaity - "We are only as good as our friends are". So when we have friends who raise us up, bring us to new levels - those are the friends to really spend time with - BUT - we also can have friends who do just the opposite..... they can bring us down to new levels.
Carol and I are going to the Madisons swim meet tonight - 2 great families we just love and it has come at just the right time when we need it most.

A new week and a new level of understanding.... praise God for His love for us.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

There have been a lot of tears today. They are flowing right now.... Kyle went with his friend Danielle today ice skating and we are so thankful for her and her family. They were gone most of the day and that gave Carol and I a chance to get the lawn cut, van in the shop and just to unwind a little. Carol even got some work done today so she would not have to take 4 days vacation... I am not so lucky with having to take 5 days this week but I am blessed to have a bunch saved up.
I have to say though, it was hard to get an email out to everyone for church setup tomorrow. It was hard to be uplifting and encouraging... it was hard to hide the fact that this family is hurting right now. Crying and being emotional happens at any moment.
I do have one thing that is heavy on my heart tonight that I will share now. Our porject 252 youth group will be having their summer missions trip soon and how cool would it be for Kaity to go? I mean how cool would it be for her to find peace, purpose and a direction in life during this time that Jesus takes her??? I can't think of anything that would be more important for this family right now after losing Denise. It is still hard to believe ... hard to put pieces together and hard to even think about.
Tears are flowing tonight at the Bateman household.... so continue to pray for us - continue to pray for Bob and Kaity....... we all need Jesus now more than ever. Our family has been through some tough times lately.... its time to move to greener pastures.

Tomorrow - we are going to church as a family..... looking forward to it. Praise God for the opportunity to praise Him. May God bless us with His love......


Friday, June 13, 2008


Thank Goodness Its Friday~

What a week it has been.... We left Milford PA this morning at 4:45AM and just got in a little while ago. We unloaded and ran to get Adger and Payton from the kennel ... came home and checked messages and mail - then shower. I can honestly say - Carol, Kyle and I are all spent. When I say spent ... I mean, Mentally, Physically and Spiritually....

We have touched base with a few folks to let them know we are home ok..... and we are turning things off. No phone, emails or even answering the door till tomorrow. Thanks to all for the emails, calls, flowers at the funeral home, and for taking care of the garden, house and pool while we were gone. Its nice knowing that things are in order when you're gone for an extended time.

Our biggest gas price seen - $5.45 in Maryland - most gas stations where $3.87 - NC $3.99 - and NEVER stop to get gas in Washington DC ...... get it before or afterwards. Trust me .....

I look forward to checking in with everyone tomorrow. Please keep Bob and Kaity in your prayers .......
love you all,

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Last night we had another round of folks to come in. Aunt Violet, Jenn, and Debbie rolled in from Tupper Lake NY. It was great seeing them and it has been a long time since we have all been together. In many ways, Carol and I are praying that this will be a new start for this family. The past years have had this family split and going in different directions but when something like this brings a family together - we have to put our agenda aside and come together as one. I am looking forward to the next 2 days as we spend time together.
It is not supposed to be as hot today as it has been the last few days. Last night we had a quality storm roll through and as the reports are coming in from the news, it looks like the NJ NY area got slammed pretty hard with 100,000 folks without power. We will be heading back down to the Delaware river today to swim. Bob has a nice place near hear that we can go and enjoy the river. It really is a pretty spot and nice to have something peaceful and refreshing during all this.
Yesterday we met with the funeral home folks and they asked if it was ok for us to meet a Pastor of a local church so we went and met Pastor David. He was a pleasant fellow and Carol and Bob did a great job talking to him about the service and about Denise. All I kept thinking was how hard it is for him to do this but this is what he is called to do. I am relieved in a way that I won't be doing the service but as important as it is - folks need to know about Jesus and so many here have a misguided perception about our Lord. Now I can focus in on what I do best - walk along side folks who are hurting and really get them the message of Jesus and not have the entire service over me.
God use me today to let someone know how much You love them and that You accept them where they are. Your love and grace is all we need for times like these and I pray You comfort this family now and show them love like they have never seen. Amen

love you all,

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Something Good within Something Bad

The last few days have been just unreal to put it simply. Trying to make sense of something, anything at all would be nice. Yesterday Carol and Bob asked me if I could led the memorial service because no one here had a church, they didn't know a pastor or minister here and the funeral home couldn't get someone. My first thought was NO WAY. Me? I am not worthy of that honor nor did I think I could handle the situation without breaking down. Yesterday while cutting the grass here, God began to change those thoughts and He laid some heavy things on my heart. He gave me some things that so share in case I had to perform this service. As many of you know, I just don't do public speaking. I am not one for the spot light but in situations like this, God doesn't care about my comfort zone. He cares about His message being shared.
Yesterday by friends and family, I was asked on a few occasions - How can I trust religion when something like this happens? I think yesterday I spent a good part of my day sharing the love of Jesus and helping some of the folks here to understand God and His mercy on all that has happened. I shared with them that even during something as bad as this - Something good still comes from it. I don't know why God had to take Denise now - I just don't know and maybe one day we will all understand. But I reminded everyone who Denise was. She was the most caring, loving and giving person we all knew. In many ways she reminded me of my mom because for them, it was all about others. Denise had a big heart - a loving heart - a giving heart.
Today there are 7 people who are benefiting from Denise. Even as her life story ends, it is just beginning. She will live on through these 7 folks, a person who could not see yesterday will see today maybe for the very first time. Imagine that, seeing trees, grass or your mothers face and hair for the first time. There is someone who doesn't have to sit for 9 hours every 3 days on a dialysis machine because Denise gave him her kidneys. There is a person today who is getting parts of Denises skin and the doctors are covering up painful scars from a burn. There is someone today who has a new heart and a second chance at life.
So as I think about all the bad that comes from this, a single parent trying to raise a 14 year old daughter, birthdays and Christmas mornings forever changed. There are 7 other families that will also have birthdays and Christmas morning forever changed. I didn't move to NC and find religion. Religion is what killed Jesus. The religious leaders of that time killed Jesus. The ones that were saved were the ones who walked with Jesus, who followed him, who were healed by Him, who listened to His preaching - I moved to NC and I found Jesus. Its a relationship that when asked, He pulls us in close and comforts us when we are hurting and someone to talk to about anything. I shared last night that it was ok to bring our lack of understanding about Denise to God, to wrestle with Him and tell Him it is unfair. It is ok if you have not been in church in 29 years and have no idea where to begin. Jesus accepts us right where we are - right here and right now.
Something good comes out of something bad. A year from now - Bob and Kaity will get a chance to meet those 7 folks who got something good from something bad. That is something to look forward to.......... and God will get us there.

Psalm 23
A psalm of David. 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, [
a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Gods best today and I pray you feel Gods love like never before~

Friday, June 6, 2008

One Prayer......

Lord there never seems to be a dull moment in life. Thousands of people all across the world are coming together this weekend in prayer Lord. A unity in Your church of all the people and leaders across the globe - How cool is this? I pray for these prayers Lord - for the leaders of our churches and the people who who attend them. I pray for life change and for Your word to reach places and hearts that have not been touched by Your love and grace. We are a broken people Lord and I pray for this unity and a chance to claim Your name to all the world that You are who You said You are ..... You are Lord and we thank You for Your message and for You son Jesus.
Today finds a family member, Denise, who is struggling today because of a stroke Lord. She does not know You and I pray that You pull her close to You today. I pray You pull her up into Your lap Lord and comfort her. Let her know You like she has never known You before. Let her know You are taking care of her and that You love her regardless of what she has done and has been through in life. I pray today Lord that You heal her body, comfort Bobby and their daughter Kaity. I pray You give them all a peace and understanding that everything is going to be ok and that You have complete control. Denise is a great person, she has struggles in life like everyone else plus some. She is a good mother and such a kind and gentle loving woman. I pray she comes to know You through this season in her life Lord. I pray that You shine for this family who needs a miracle and above all else - needs to know You.
Lord I pray for my dads test today at the doctors. I pray they find nothing wrong but we do know there is something wrong and for that reason Lord I pray that You touch one of his many doctors who will have a clue to what test to run - who will have a clue to what to do next to find out what is wrong. Lord I pray for those gifted doctors who are with Denise and my dad today and may they be the best that the hospitals have to offer. Give them the insight and wisdom Lord. I also pray for the doctors who are working with my buddy Joe B. He has had some road to walk down Lord and I know Joe B is in Your hands. I pray You are pulling his family close to You at this time as well. Lord I continue to pray for little Adam Tanksley and his family. I continue to wear my blue wrist band in support of him. He is just a child and I know You are using little Adam in amazing ways Lord so that Your love and mercy will be felt by all the folks around him. I pray You heal his little body Lord, comfort his family and extended family and Lord I pray that Adam will be one of those miracle stories we so are in need to hear about today.
Lord I also want to thank You for the school year - for all of "MyKids" this year and for their families. Lord I invested a lot into these families and into these children - I pray that every second and every thought and every tear was for Your honor and glory - may I take no credit for anything Lord, it was all for You as I was doing what You placed on my heart to do for these kids. Lord I ask that You give them a great summer, a safe summer and that You bring them back next year. I pray for those new "MyKids" that I will be sharing my life with next year. I pray for the kids who I have only begun to make contact with Lord. I pray those relationships continue to grow and I continue to have them on my heart. Lord You know my heart and how much the people in my life I am doing life with mean to me. I thank You for each one of them, for my family, my church, Pastor Jimmy and his staff and their families, I thank You for the volunteers in every ministry at church, I thank You for my Rock Group family and all "MyKids" and for our Rock Group extended family as we reach out into the community this summer and into our church family...... May Your blessings rain down on us today. One Prayer - One You.
I pray all this in Your sons most awesome name in Jesus,

Thursday, June 5, 2008

School Lunches....

Well - today was my last school lunch of the year. Sad in many ways but relieved in one way. Today Carol and Kyle went with me to visit this class. Lots of kids saying hello as they always do in the hallways as we waited for the class to come down. Most of the kids in the class had quiet lunch, which means they were not all that good today. That makes me sad that our last lunch we did not get to talk or sit with them. Lots of pouting faces but - Hey if your going to be bad - well you deserve to get into trouble and then pay the penalty. Anyways, I got a chance to say "Thanks" to the teacher for allowing me to come into her class every week this year and get to know her students. 4 kids from this class are in Sunday school and they will be moving up in 2 weeks to project 252 which is our youth ministry and Travis and the leaders there will be getting some great kids! I do have to say though - that I am tired. I am looking forward to some "Me" time at lunch - having Kyle and some of his friends at work on some occasions. I am looking forward to getting over to work out again ... I have put all this on hold for "MyKids". It has been a great year.......
Tomorrow - I have 1 party left to go to. A girl that I have had lunch with every week for almost the entire year has invited me to come to her classroom for her end of year party and its also her birthday. She is a special child and I am honored that she asked me and that the teacher asked me to come. I am really looking forward to it.......
Well - have to get my second wind - Talent show tonight at Kyles school - these kids have been preparing and practicing for weeks on their skit. Carol, Kyle and I will be serving refreshments to all the performers.... it should be I better get that second wind quick!
I think between the heat, thoughts of the school year ending and saying good bye to lots of good kids...... I am pretty worn out.
Headed to the cabin tomorrow for overnight and a little chance to get some breathing room.... looking forward to it and needing it even more..... my entire family is in need of some rest.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Your place of work - the PTA at your child's school - church volunteers - almost every org chart this is true. 20% of the people do 80% of the work. How tiring is that for the folks in the 20% bracket. I just wonder and ask myself - why?

As church goes - I was that 80% for many years. When folks from church called me to help with this or that, I was the king to make excuses. I was traveling, I didn't have a tie and jacket, I was busy or was out of town that weekend but plain and simple and God knows the truth - I just didn't want to do it. I was either scared to step out in faith and serve ... or I was selfish and just didn't want to do it. I mean I worked all week, wanted to sleep in and wait till the last minute to come to church - sit in the back if we even went at all - and then wonder why God wasn't answering my prayers or life was just struggling with all kinds of things going on.

One of the things I have learned over the last few years is that - by serving - you will continue to have struggles - those life things don't go away and God can still sometimes be distant but it doesn't stay that way. God will bring friends who you are serving with along side of you. He will honor your hard work and dedication by you making a place for folks to come to know Him so that they can experience life change - as you are experiencing life change by serving. Let God use you ..... there is nothing to be afraid of when you give GOD your time and energy. Everyone has a gift and passion - if you know what that is... jump in...and if you don't keep serving until you find it!

There are basically 3 kinds of Volunteers:
A) Those who continue to turn their backs on serving or volunteering for anything. They are about themselves and if they don't get anything from it or out of it - then forget it. I used to be this kind of person. MY time - MY schedule - MY feelings - ME ME ME ...... Giving something to someone in need is a far off dream. These folks are almost always on the take... and they give excuses as to why they shouldn't help someone in need or help serve at church or the PTA. They are in the 80% bracket.

B) Those who do serve but hate it. They don't see any value in it or maybe they just do it because they got started and now they are looking to get out of it. There is no passion in serving and thus they are not getting anything out of it. These are folks who don't get anyone else excited about serving nor do they ask anyone to serve with them. But they feel ok being in that 20% bracket....

c) Those who serve and are sold out on what they doing and they love it. Those who serve at their church because they love seeing people come to know Jesus (children and adults) and see life change that only God can provide. They are on fire and ask everyone around them to serve with them. They are willing to do anything - any job - any task - to ask questions later after they are already in knee deep in what they are doing.... these folks are the 20%.... They are in their sweet spot and using the gifts God has given them. They are enjoying the blessings that God is providing them - they are in the place where when times are hard and the season of struggles are upon them they have their feet grounded in the right place where God brings them through that season with a difference.... they experience God on an entirely different level.

I am honored to serve the Lord - to put others before myself. It has been a transition from being the spectator and then being in the game. God has taken me and my family to new levels of understanding about Him, experiencing His joy in life and opening our lives to others who we just love being around and doing life with.

I remember a few years ago there was a family that Carol, Kyle and I became close with because the mom (Stephanie) kept Kyle when he was a baby. They were a God loving family in every sense. They were on a 'nother level' than we were and they taught us many things about "Trust" and "Love" and what it means as a family to love God even if they did without. They had "Joy" in their family no matter what they were struggling with. It was spring, our children played on the same soccer team and one Saturday morning - Tobin pulled me aside and told me their were moving to Maine.... and that he would be training to Pastor a church there. Wow - it blew me away and I knew our families were all going to be hurt with this news and it was a huge LEAP of faith and answering God call. 2 Rainbows appeared in the sky overhead - not 1 but 2 - and it wasn't raining nor was it about to. It was unreal and I knew from that moment that God was fully behind everything taking place. I miss Tobin and Stephanie - their great kids - Kyle best friends at the time..... but I know they are serving the Lord and enjoying the blessings.

Step up and serve - be passionate about life and serving others - ask not what God can do for you but ask Him what YOU CAN DO FOR HIM..... you will be amazed at the answer He will give you and the blessings that He will flow down upon you and your family.
A -B-C - Don't be in the 80% bracket .... the path to Jesus is hard to find and hard to follow but its amazing the journey you will walk once your on it.
Sorry for the long post today .... just a lot on my heart today....


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Normal Tuesday ...

I want to share 2 things today ~

Mondays are mostly such a tough day for me. I am usually drained from Sunday. With getting up early, serving setup, serving in Sunday School and serving breakdown... its a long day before I get home to be with my family. Last Sunday I came home after a stressful morning with some folks not showing to serve - I sat down in my chair and both Carol and I - passed out in the LR for like 2 hours. THAT I tell you - NEVER happens. Carol is in the same position where there is just not enough folks serving to make it easier on everyone who is. I heard last week the 20-80 ratio. 20% of the people do 80% of the work. How true that is.... what can I do to get those numbers to change? why couldn't it be 40%-60%? Man would that be nice. I do know that when I got home Sunday - I questioned myself - Why? Why am I doing all this? Why do I feel the weight of all this on my shoulders? This week, God has told me that serving Him wouldn't be easy. That sometimes we feel like quiting but quiting is not an option. I then remembered my mom - She used to say - Quitters never win and winners never quit. Serving the Lord and serving my church, the many friends we have there and the people who come through our doors who don't know Jesus - is a blessing....and a privilege. Serving others should be always in our hearts and minds.... looking for opportunities..... God revealed to me this week in my quiet times... even though they have been short this week - that He does want to use us to shine for others but more importantly He wants to change us.... We are His main focus and once we are changed and we see Him in everything - then God can use us to serve others.

Secondly, Today was my last lunch at Harrisburg elementary for the year. Kyles class was mostly dressed as Pirates and I have to say - there were some good costumes! Check Carol's blog if you want to see Kyle this morning - pretty fun I have to say! Anyways, I got to say good bye to some good kids today. Some I will see over the summer and some I will see next year but some I probably wont see again because they will be moving or going to a different school next year. It was sad but I have to reflect on the year as being a great year! I fully enjoyed getting to know lots of the kids, sharing smiles and really getting down on their level and walk besides them. I thanked each of Kyles classmates today for letting me to get to know them and to have a great summer. I told them I would see them next year at school and I got some special hugs and high fives today. I really do believe with all my heart that my investment and determination does make a big difference in some of the children. I let a few of them know that I have prayed for them and their families all year and that is always a sweet thing to share. I thought Kyle was going to cry when he told me he would miss me coming in to have lunch today.... as I almost did too.
2 more schools to visit this week - then 5th grade graduation on Monday morning..... God handed me such an incredible thing with this ministry that He has given me and the blessings - well, I just can't believe them.......

Happy birthday Sarah! Today she asked me to help handout cupcakes to her class - that was an pretty cool...... cya Sunday for our last Sunday school class together before moving up! Another sad milestone ahead....... But its all for Gods glory.

May He receive all the praise!!
Love ya'll,

Monday, June 2, 2008

Couple more pics...

Couldn't resist not adding these..... :) Check out Morgans lucky pole to the left...... Awesome!

Sunday Night rock Group~

3rd time is a charm! We were missing a few families Sunday night with end of school projects and other commitments but we did have a good turn out to our Rock group "Summer Reach Out". Morgan and Kyle were among the leaders as far as fish caught and Taylor with the 3 turtles caught. With pizza, snacks, icepops, cookies and drinks .... we had a great time sharing time together and getting to better know some great families. Carol told me at one point that I was going to have to take numbers because my support line was backed up with adding workms to hooks, untangles, reels backlashed and fish to take off the hook ... busy but man was it fun!!! - Mike, once again, was our paddle boat master .... he loves being on the water. One lap he yelled out for his wife Lori to meet him at the dock and take over ... he didn't think he could paddle for 30 minutes! Man that was funny..... Lexi got to "Lip" her first fish.... Wesley took a bobber up side the head, we had a skiing little boy being pulled by his dog a good 20 yards to come and sniff out Sherry and Donnie's dog. Heather got to put on her first worms on the hook, Morgan catching fish with her "Stick Pole" and then little Megan to follow. We even fed every duck and goose taking up space at the park Sunday night.... it was a great time!!! Our next outing will be the Kannapolis Intimidators game for Fathers day. Dad get to have a game of toss after the game ON the field.... it was awesome last year! Looking forward to a great summer investing in some great relationships......

God is good......


End of year party....

Wow - its hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close. It has been a great year!! Today we had the year end class party. Lots of parents there and juiced up kids waiting to have fun and get out for the summer. Remember those days?? I do - the summers were sweet and seemed to last forever!

Anyways - After getting 60 pounds of ice and 5 pizza's, I headed over to school. Carol and the ladies where already there setting up and finishing the games and final plans. I was in charge of "Frozen Feet". Wow they put me in charge of something ... with kids ... which means the rules they give me - well lets just say they bend a little :)

In the Walmart pool we have to wash the dogs - I placed 60 pounds of ice. 7 at a time I had the kids put their feet into the ice and for 10 minutes- their job was to put as much ice in their bucket as much as possible with only using their feet. Well we had some FROZEN feet after 10 minutes... a little ice on their heads, down the backs of their shirts... dumping ice and water on their legs and buried feet ... well there was lots of screaming and laughing going on. I think the kids had the most fun .... as it was hot outside and no shade.

The kids all got to sign their shirts which Carol designed and Steve H. from church made for them.... so take a close look at the shirts in the pictures.... great work Carol and Steve!!!

Anyways, going to school tomorrow for our last lunch. It will be sad day and I am really hoping I get to see lots of "MyKids" over the summer. One of my kids who Carol and I supplied lunch for the last few months - asked me today where I lived and where I worked. She was really reaching out since she is pretty shy and this was a big step for her. My prayers continue for her and her family ...

Well enjoy the pictures.... this 42 year old is tired tonight :)

